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What You Should and Shouldn’t Brag About to Women

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012




What You Should Never Brag About in Front of Women

Your hunting skills, i.e. how you shot down a deer from a 50 ft range, etc: The idea of dead animals just gives women the creeps and killing innocent little forest runners for the ‘sport’ of it is not only horrifying, but also a big turn off. Leave your ‘gun’ and ‘bambi’ conversation (and pictures!) at the door.

Deer Crossing Cufflinks

Deer Crossing Cufflinks

Your fighting skills: True, women love a protector in a partner, someone who will stick up for them in the face of danger, but that does not mean how many guys you’ve drunkenly battled with at bars, how many ‘asses’ you’ve kicked, and how great your upper cut is.

Notre Dame Fighting Leprechaun CufflinksNotre Dame Fighting Leprechaun Cufflinks

The size of your manhood: Because everyone knows it’s all about how you “carry” yourself, not how you talk about yourself. Don’t even TALK about it, just smirk and let them wonder.


What You Should Brag About in Front of Women

Your cooking skills: It diminishes the negative line of gender role exclusivity and shows that you are comfortable working in the kitchen. It also shows your love of sating/providing for others in new ways. Let’s face it, you don’t go out to hunt for food anymore (as a society, we’re passed that, at least in certain ways), so why not tackle that chicken in the kitchen, sauté it in your grandmother’s sauce, and don’t forget the garnishes.

Chefs Hat and Spoon CufflinksChefs Hat and Spoon Cufflinks

Your strong magic fingers (for massage purposes of course!): It will implant the idea of skin/touching/feeling in her mind, which inevitably leads to other strains of thought. Plus it’s always a ‘plus’ when you can administer a great massage with your strong hands.

Sterling Silver Peace Sign Hands CufflinksSterling Silver Peace Sign Hands Cufflinks

Your grandmother: It shows that you appreciate the women in your life and honor their presence, even if they are no longer around. It shows respect, reverence, and an ultra sweet side that women love to witness. Plus women get all warm inside when you discuss other your admiration for your old grannie, and for bonus points, how much you love your precious little niece can also be thrown into the mix.


Fall in Love with Fall: 10 Things to Look Forward to This Season

Monday, September 17th, 2012


10 Things to Make You Fall for Fall All Over Again 

Scarves: Yes, scarves of all kinds. Cashmere, cable knit, chunky, orange/red/yellow/blue/gray and the list goes on and on. There’s nothing like a fall scarf to complete your cool look and add some accent colors to your light jacket or shirt.

Burning Star Scarf, Made in Italy. Wool, silk, cashmere. Burning Star Scarf, Made in Italy. Wool, silk, cashmere. 

Boots: Boots were made for walking and that’s just what you should do. Take a long hike on a trail, up by the river, or spend a day walking around the concrete jungle just looking stylish.

Whiskey, manhattan, break out the bitters: Ah, yes. The time has come to break out the 25 year aged whiskey and make yourself a Manhattan. So break out the bitters, wrap yourself in a new scarf, and enjoy the cool, long evenings.

Enamel Skull and Crossbones CufflinksEnamel Skull and Crossbones Cufflinks

The season premiere of American Horror Story: It feels like years has passed since the last episode of American Horror Story. We’re still loyally hooked, almost a year later, and the scary fun will begin on October 17th. Are you ready?

Sterling Pumpkin CufflinksSterling Pumpkin Cufflinks

Doggie Jackets: As much as we like to brush it off as obnoxious, we love seeing those cute little pups in doggie jackets. Sure, they have their own coat straight from God, but why not add a little fall festivity to your dog too? After all, they like a little wrap around scarf too.

Sterling Chihuahua CufflinksSterling Chihuahua Cufflinks

More to the imagination: Let’s face it, beautiful sun kissed skin comes peaking out in the summer months and yes, we love it. But we also like to leave a little to the imagination too. Women look sophisticated, alluring, and extra sultry in the fall, and it has nothing to do with a bikini and suntan lotion. What does she have going on under that peacoat, gray tights, and books?

 Plaids: We look extra rugged in a nice strapping plaid shirt, plus it reminds us of the great outdoors, roasting things over a fire, Octoberfest beer, and fall parties in Brooklyn.

Beards: Nothing say “I’m a man’s man” like an overgrown burly beard.

Football Season: Jerseys, fantasy football, beer, and ultra-loaded nachos.

Baltimore Ravens Cufflinks and Tie Bar Gift SetBaltimore Ravens Cufflinks and Tie Bar Gift Set

Hearty Food: Haven’t you missed those home beef stews, pumpkin and banana bread, warm milk in the evenings with chocolate, and a nice juicy steak with potatoes? It’s all fall food baby.



Designer Spotlight: Michael Bastian 2012

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012





Michael Bastian
“The kimono-front style sweaters—a really cool, unique spin on the classic V-neck. “—Matthew Sebra, GQ associate fashion editor

What We Love:

The lighter feel of the traditional blazer becomes apparent in the rolled up and shortened sleeves. They are cut shorter than your regular sleeve and then loosely rolled up. The extra soft and slinky sweater hangs just below the belt and exposes itself just right under the sleeve. The cool thing is you can swap the light sweater for a collared shirt and add these English Pound Cross Hand Painted Cufflinks:

English Pound Cross in Circle Coin Cufflinks


See the entire Michael Bastian Spring 2013 collection.

green shorts

Michael Bastian
“Green corduroy shorts.”—Garrett Munce, GQ fashion editor

What We Love:

The slightly “shorter” shorts to show off the top of the calf muscle, along with the subtle aqua marine color. Let’s be honest, it’s not quite green like Munce says, but he knows what he’s talking about. Coupled with a white belt, the loose, relaxed fitted collared shirt peaks out of a stunning red mauve colored blazer. The blazer is one of those perfect spring/summer jackets, with a color that will complement everything (or close to everything at least. Pair this kind of relaxed, Harvard meets Bayside look with these Green Layered Paisley Cufflinks:

Green Paisley Cufflinks

 Read More

Michael bastian Spring 2013

What We Love:

Again with the perfectly relaxed, yet tailored blazer in an off-white/egg shell shade, coupled with a light blue collared shirt (only buttoned in the middle, mind you). The loose fitting, shorter 30s style shorts give a considerable nod to Fitzgerald’s Great Gatsby and Long Island Ice Teas on, well…Long Island. Pair this look with these Silver and Mother of Pearl Cufflinks:

Silver and Mother of Pearl Cufflinks

The Lessons Adults Can Learn from Five Children’s Movies

Friday, September 7th, 2012



The Lessons Adults Can Learn from Five Children’s Movies


Finding Nemo. The ties between family transcend our own fears and love is superior to life’s challenges. A disability is just that, a disability, but one can always make up for it, and use it to his/her advantage. Plus, once in a while, you’ll run into a Gill figure in your life that will propel you to act out of your comfort zone and encourage you to adventure. Who is your Gill? Who is your Dory?

Bermudian 5 cent Angel Fish Cufflinks

Bermudian 5 cent Angel Fish Cufflinks

The Goonies. Outsiders can be cool too, perhaps even cooler than the “cool guys.” The sense of community, adventure, and general commradery in this film is a great lesson for all you jaded adults out there. “Down here it’s out time!” Mikey professes while in the wishing well. Chunk and the Giant dude show us unconditional love and that spirit transcends appearance. Plus you know when you were little you had a crush on Andie…

Yellow Motor GP Racing Bike Cufflinks

Yellow Motor GP Racing Bike Cufflinks

A Wrinkle in Time. Makes a practical use of the theory of entanglement, teleportation, and basic quantum physics through the guise of a child’s adventure story. Get yo science learn on.

Mosaic Nebula Cufflinks

Mosaic Nebula Cufflinks


Mosaic Nebula Cufflinks

Escape to Witch Mountain. Deals with the telepathy of twins, adventures on a mountain, conceptions of seclusion and yea…fun-ness.

Sterling Lion King Cufflinks

Sterling Lion King Cufflinks

Lion King. The prophetic, life altering statement: Hakuna Matata. Concept of family rivalry, childhood love and honor, guilt and shame that would put Woody Allen to rest, and the necessity of an inter-cultural community.


Tangled. What you’ll learn: Your parents aren’t always right. Sometimes they are very wrong. Adult vindication, finally! Hair= power. Men should need to climb, etc.

Tootsies Children Dance wear: Children ballet shoes and tap shoes from Leos Dancewear from toddler sizes to older child size 3 and girl dancewear from toddler size 2T to older child size 12



How to LIVE on $20 A Day

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012



So it’s already Tuesday and you suddenly realize that you have…$40 to your name. How can you go out, enjoy yourself for a whole day, whilst only using $20? (The other $20 will be used “in case of emergency” kind of thing, because, responsible people do those kinds of things).

How to Live on $20 a Day

                     What you’ll need:

One bag

An Open Mind

And of course, $20


      Lunch specials are your friend. You know how you go to get sushi after 5pm and the hand rolls double in price? What about Thai food, like your favorite Pad Thai, goes from $7 at lunch time to $14.50 in the evening? Well guess what? It’s the same food. So take advantage of the “lunch time specials,” where you can get your favorite meal for under $10 usually. Favorite Lunch Meal: $7 (average) plus $3 tip= $10

Starry Night, Van Gogh CufflinksStarry Night, Van Gogh Cufflinks

Trip to the Metropolitian Museum of Art. Did you know there are centuries of art stored in this one musueum? Go! Take advantage! Wonder around for at least two hours, sit in front of at least ONE painting for at least FIVE minutes, meditate, and do not talk to anyone. You’re here for your “almost” free art and you need to get your $1 worth. Price based on Donations and today you’re really broke, so: $1


Two Cups of Coffee, one by yourself and then another with a friend. The good thing about Starbucks, other than their supposed humane ways of harvesting coffee, is that you can get a refill for only .50 cents. So that means get a Tall Coffee for $2.01, drink it alone while surfing the web/working/reading casually/soaking in surroundings/eavesdropping on conversations/ogling the barista/whatever you do when you drink your coffee kind of thing…and then keep the cup. Put it in your bag if you have to! Then after your trip to the museum, invite a friend for some more joe, and sit and chat out your experience of the art. Total Cost for Two Cups of Coffee: $2.51

Coffee Cup CufflinksCoffee Cup Cufflinks

Thrift Store Diving.The catch is, you can only spend $5. This can be used on old records, a thermos, a new backpack, three orange tee shirts, and more. Think creatively–how far can you stretch your $5? Total Cost for Something Unique/Strange/Wonderful: $5.

Watch an outdoor game. Look up on your trusty iphone any local games in your area. Even if they’re little league kind of games, go to the bleachers and root for your favorite color! (Will it be the purple team or the yellow?). No, we’re not saying be that creepy guy in the stands watching 5-year-olds play tee ball, but find a high school game somewhere, an advanced baseball league for teens, and watch them show you up with their stellar curve ball. Free Outdoor Game: $0 (Free!)

Authentic Fenway Park Stamp CufflinksAuthentic Fenway Park Stamp Cufflinks

After you’ve been watching people younger than you own the court/field/park, maybe it’s time to do some exercise of your own. After all, you have had two cups of coffee…so you’re kind of pumped, right? Good. Now get to your nearest park with a view and do something creatively fun that you’ve never done before. This could be mixed martial arts, yoga, running (!), jogging, total body workouts in the grass…but make sure you get a bottle of water while you’re there. We don’t want you passing out from dehydration now. Exercise in the Park + Bottle of Water+ a post-work out hot dog with sauerkraut: $3.50

Enamel Hotdog CufflinksEnamel Hotdog Cufflinks

Okay, so if you have any sense in math, you’ll realize we’ve gone over budget by $2. Oh well! Eliminate the hotdog if you want, but we promise you’ll have a complete, pre-fall “self indulgent” day for only $20.