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Archive for the ‘Professional Cufflinks’ Category

Projecting Success

Sunday, January 12th, 2014

Obtaining success isn’t always a straight path. Intuition can go a long way in virtually every career path, business endeavor, and personal goal. By projecting success, you can not only change your self identity, but also shape the way others see you.

it’s true that we live in a vain, sometimes superficial world. Without becoming “worldly” we can use this to our advantage. here are some of Cufflinksman’s tips for projecting success.

Dress Smart.

Remember that it’s all in the details—the angle of your shoes, the seam in your pants, the quality of material of your blazer or jacket, the precision of your shave, the quality of your (more…)

7 Things to Consider BEFORE Your Job Interview

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

1. Print your resume on good quality printing paper. Not card stock paper, nothing floral or fancy, just good quality printing paper than doesn’t “slop” over in your hand when reading. If the paper flops, you’re probably a flop too.

2. Don’t walk in with a drink in your hand. It looks unprofessional. Of course, this goes for food as well. As much as we all LOVE our Starbucks, leave it in the trash can at the door. And make sure you follow up with a mint.

Greek Coffee Cufflinks

Instead, bring along these Greek Coffee Cup Cufflinks

3. Own your craft–you are the expert at what you do, always remember that. Fake it until you make it.


4. Firm Handshake–this goes without saying, but we have to say it anyways. Actually, anytime you meet someone remember this, for bejesus sake…

Bustling Stock Market Silver Cufflinks

Remember that your cufflink choice should reflect your personality/career choice. If you’re in finance, try these Bustling Stock Market Silver Cufflinks

5. Wear one fashion signature piece. If you’re wearing a traditional black/ blue suit, make sure you show off your personality just a bit. Cufflinks are obviously a great way to do this, because they’re understated, but when noticed, can say a world about you. If you’re a musician, go for guitar cufflinks, etc.

EXTRA BONUS: If you can want to show him/her any files, .pdfs, powerpoints, excel sheets, etc. NOTHING looks cooler than reaching for your wrist, unlatching your cufflink/usb drive, and popping it into your laptop at a meeting. Plus it’s a good conversation starter. Take these Antique USB Drive Cufflinks as an example:

Antique Gold Oval 4Gb Usb Flash Drive Cufflinks


6. Have a copy of your personal and professional references on hand with phone numbers, ready to go. That way, if they want to follow up immediately after you leave, they can.


7. Be conscious of your social media presence BEFORE you walk into the office/ interview. Your potential new boss has already, most likely done his/her research and Google the hell out of you. Have ready-to go answers for any embarrassing tidbits that may be circulating around the web. This can go either way–it can work for you or against you, it’s all how you play it.



The Art and Craft of Shaving for Men: Series 1

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012




How to Shave with a Safety Razor

We’ve been asking cosmopolitan New York men what they want to read about. While on a creative journey to give our readership the best possible advice, fashion tips, articles, and…pure nuggets of brilliance, we stumbled upon this video by Raoul Pop. It was recommended to us by one of our readers, so we thought we’d share.

Mustache  CufflinksMustache  Cufflinks

It definitely applies to ALL men, everywhere. It’s all about the little things, like shaving your face. Here Raoul gives invaluable advice about how to use aSaftey Razor and how to properly shave your face in the best possible way (in the best possible world. Had to throw a little Candide in there…)

1. Step Number One: Start with a new blade. Blades are made in different ways, with different flexibilities, different cuts/angles of the blade, etc, so find the one brand/type that works best for your face. Finding the right blade may be a bit of trial and error, but once you find it, stick with it. Raoul uses the Gillette Stainless Steel Blade.


 Blade Tie Clip

2. Step Number Two: Warm the blade, brush, and your face with warm water. This can be done in many ways, which we’ll get to in tomorrow’s blog, but essentially, the warming process is pretty imperative between it works in two ways: First, it primes the razor for contact and it also primes the hair. You facial hair should be soft when properly damp.

Hot and Cold Faucet CufflinksHot and Cold Faucet Cufflinks

3. Step Number Three: Try to use shaving soap, rather than gel. The gel will dry quicker than the soap. So if you use gel, you have to keep moistening your face to eliminate the dryness.

4. Step Number Four: Try not to go over the same spot too much. This means: do a first pass, then a second pass.

5. Step Number Five: After the first pass, re-apply the lotion/gel. Now it’s time for the second pass.

Random TIPS…

Don’t press the razor to the face, let the weight of the razor apply the pressure.

Cut with the grain, meaning you should cut the hair in the direction which the hair grows. Very important, because if you go against the grain, this can cause irritation.

For more information and a detailed analysis of products, tricks, and tips, click here.

What kind of brush should you use?
Preferably ones with badger hair

What’s the best shaving soap to use?
Williams Mug Shaving Soap.

TIP: Make sure you warm your shaving mug in warm water as well. I.e. submerged the mug in warm water, just under the rim of the cup, to heat it.

What about an after shave?
Witch’s Hazel! Easy, quick, and cheap.



U.S. Lands on Mars

Monday, August 6th, 2012



And so…we landed on Mars!

No, this isn’t the beginnings of a Ron Hubbard novel, but actual real life. At approximately 1:31am, last night, or morning rather, Curiosity landed on Mars. And there was no cat to kill it either.

First Image of Mars (on Mars) Provided by NASAFirst Image of Mars from Curiosity, Provided by NASA

Fox News reports, “Through the chute, a unique robot arm and a rocket-powered hood, the rover slowed until it drifted to a stop on Mars, to cheers and applause from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory late Sunday.

“Touchdown confirmed,” engineer Allen Chen said. “We’re safe on Mars.

Minutes after the landing signal reached Earth at 10:32 p.m. PDT, Curiosity beamed back the first black-and-white pictures from inside the crater showing its wheel and its shadow, cast by the afternoon sun.

Engineering Set Square and Protractor CufflinksEngineering Set Square and Protractor Cufflinks

“We landed in a nice flat spot. Beautiful, really beautiful,” said engineer Adam Steltzner, who led the team that devised the tricky landing routine. The rover then released a slightly higher resolution pair of pictures.”

And from the NASA website, “NASA Lands Car-Size Rover Beside Martian Mountain

PASADENA, Calif. — NASA’s most advanced Mars rover Curiosity has landed on the Red Planet. The one-ton rover, hanging by ropes from a rocket backpack, touched down onto Mars Sunday to end a 36-week flight and begin a two-year investigation.

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) spacecraft that carried Curiosity succeeded in every step of the most complex landing ever attempted on Mars, including the final severing of the bridle cords and flyaway maneuver of the rocket backpack.

“Today, the wheels of Curiosity have begun to blaze the trail for human footprints on Mars. Curiosity, the most sophisticated rover ever built, is now on the surface of the Red Planet, where it will seek to answer age-old questions about whether life ever existed on Mars — or if the planet can sustain life in the future,” said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. “This is an amazing achievement, made possible by a team of scientists and engineers from around the world and led by the extraordinary men and women of NASA and our Jet Propulsion Laboratory. President Obama has laid out a bold vision for sending humans to Mars in the mid-2030’s, and today’s landing marks a significant step toward achieving this goal.”

Martian's Landing, Antiqued CufflinksMartian’s Landing, Antiqued Cufflinks

Just wait until the dust settles…

Curiosity landed at 10:32 p.m. PDT Aug. 5, (1:32 a.m. EDT Aug. 6) near the foot of a mountain three miles tall and 96 miles in diameter inside Gale Crater. During a nearly two-year prime mission, the rover will investigate whether the region ever offered conditions favorable for microbial life.

Star Trek Cufflinks

Isn’t your inner Trekkie so excited??

FYI: “As planned, the rover’s early engineering images are lower resolution. Larger color images from other cameras are expected later in the week when the rover’s mast, carrying high-resolution cameras, is deployed. “

A Day in the Life of a Cufflink

Friday, August 3rd, 2012




A Day in the Life of a Cufflink

Our Guest Speaker: Mr. Gold Stud Cufflink

Gold Knot Cufflinks


        Ever wonder what your cufflinks are thinking? What if they could talk? What would those tiny little accessories say to you? What would they say about themselves? We recently scored an exclusive interview with one of our long-lost cufflinks, who was sold a few years ago to a now-famous cigar-smoking billionaire. His subsequent cufflink set, that is, Mr. Gold Stud Cufflink, arose during our client’s rise to fame, and that is precisely why he was willing to open up and tell us what a day in the life is really life…

Say what?!?! Mr. Gold Stud Cufflink

6:30am: Beat out Mr. Royal Blue Stripes today. Ha! That’s five times this month I got picked over him. Boy will he be mad at the end of the night. So much for “blue is always in style…” What a lame-o.

Royal Blue Stripes Cufflinks

Poor Mr. Royal Blue Stripes. Ha.

His price: $49.95

7am: Got a nice water drizzle from the sink when Mr. Fashionable was brushing his teeth. Hey, it’s alright I’m made of pure gold anyway…well. Not really pure solid gold, but at least I’m gold pated. Right? Guys? Back there in the jewelry box?

9:30am: Cool, no rust stains from the tooth-brush water drizzle action. Must be because I’m made from the best! 🙂 Thanks Cufflinksman.

11am: I know I look good and all but I’m not getting enough attention from these other dudes. Business meetings don’t do much for my confidence. We’ll see how the afternoon goes…

2pm: Still shining! All day, everyday baby.

2:15pm: Ran into a sweet looking, shiny Ms. Pink Lady Cufflinks in the hallway today. Wowza! Does she have style…I wish I had mother of pearl accents on my belly too. She makes my Torpedo back Closure tremble…

Pink Mother of Pearl Cufflinks

Mmm…Ms. Pink Mother of Pearl Cufflinks, come on over to Mr. Stud!

5pm: Spaghetti sauce dribbled on my frontal etchings. It’s okay though, as long as he wipes me off…

5:20pm: Still haven’t been wiped off…

5:45pm: Smelling like spaghetti…

Thanks Italy for your sauce…

6pm: Looks like I’m going home with sauce on me. Ah well, the night’s still young!

7pm: Scraped my face a little on the bar stool, but other than that I’m good. Ran into a rather snobby “Trust me, I’m a Doctor” Cufflink. I think he thought he was better than me, but, I know I cost more, so…little does he know. He’s probably not even a doctor.

Doctor Slogan Cufflinks


9pm: <3 Thinking about Ms. Pink Lady Cufflinks. <3


10pm: Ready to go home. C’est la vie in a day in the life. Mr. Fashionable is talking about baseball with a guy wearing a Yankees Cufflink Set. This could quite possibly go on all night…

NY Yankees Cufflinks

Who does he think he is? Little does he know, I like the Mets!

11:12pm: Back home, back in my box. The other cufflinks are super jealous. Loving life, got my bling on and the spaghetti sauce was eventually wiped off. Another day, another shirt.