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Posts Tagged ‘lion cufflinks’

The Lessons Adults Can Learn from Five Children’s Movies

Friday, September 7th, 2012



The Lessons Adults Can Learn from Five Children’s Movies


Finding Nemo. The ties between family transcend our own fears and love is superior to life’s challenges. A disability is just that, a disability, but one can always make up for it, and use it to his/her advantage. Plus, once in a while, you’ll run into a Gill figure in your life that will propel you to act out of your comfort zone and encourage you to adventure. Who is your Gill? Who is your Dory?

Bermudian 5 cent Angel Fish Cufflinks

Bermudian 5 cent Angel Fish Cufflinks

The Goonies. Outsiders can be cool too, perhaps even cooler than the “cool guys.” The sense of community, adventure, and general commradery in this film is a great lesson for all you jaded adults out there. “Down here it’s out time!” Mikey professes while in the wishing well. Chunk and the Giant dude show us unconditional love and that spirit transcends appearance. Plus you know when you were little you had a crush on Andie…

Yellow Motor GP Racing Bike Cufflinks

Yellow Motor GP Racing Bike Cufflinks

A Wrinkle in Time. Makes a practical use of the theory of entanglement, teleportation, and basic quantum physics through the guise of a child’s adventure story. Get yo science learn on.

Mosaic Nebula Cufflinks

Mosaic Nebula Cufflinks


Mosaic Nebula Cufflinks

Escape to Witch Mountain. Deals with the telepathy of twins, adventures on a mountain, conceptions of seclusion and yea…fun-ness.

Sterling Lion King Cufflinks

Sterling Lion King Cufflinks

Lion King. The prophetic, life altering statement: Hakuna Matata. Concept of family rivalry, childhood love and honor, guilt and shame that would put Woody Allen to rest, and the necessity of an inter-cultural community.


Tangled. What you’ll learn: Your parents aren’t always right. Sometimes they are very wrong. Adult vindication, finally! Hair= power. Men should need to climb, etc.

Tootsies Children Dance wear: Children ballet shoes and tap shoes from Leos Dancewear from toddler sizes to older child size 3 and girl dancewear from toddler size 2T to older child size 12



The Shame Circle: Weird News

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

The Shame Circle Story Number One: This “party of six” refused to pay the 17% gratuity added to their dinner check. It clearly stated on the menu that any party of five or more would have this gratuity attached–so what did the restaurant do to these low-brow, “I don’t want to tip” folks? Called the police. And they paid. Good for your Fishermen’s Inn! Let this be a lesson, dear patrons, never, ever go into a restaurant and not tip your server.

Caymanian Lobster Coin Cuff LinksLobster Cufflinks

See the ridiculous fiasco by clicking on the below: Family Locked in Restaurant After Refusing to Pay Tip Number two: Hehe, only in New Jersey: This orange–ehm tan woman from New Jersey thought it would be a good idea to take her little girl to the…tanning bed. Too much Jersey Shore, perhaps? But the mother, accused of child endangerment, says that her daughter only goes into the room with her and plays, she doesn’t actually get in the tanning bed.
Family locked in restaurant after refusing to… by anatims70

Hilarious Quote of the Week: “I’m in the booth, she’s outside playing Princess, trying to be like Mommy, like barbie dolls and stuff like that.”

I’m sorry lady, Princess…? Barbie dolls like…mommy? Oh goodness, we love strange news.

Orange Slice Cufflinks

Orange ya glad you don’t look like this?

Number Three, Shame on you Kya! On April 26th, the family of an adorable little toddler, captured the following footage of a lioness trying to eat their toddler. Luckily, there was a thick, pane glass window separating the pair but watch as the lioness tries to engulf the baby’s head in her mouth. Must have been the zebra sweatshirt. See, hoodies are controversial even in the animal kingdom world!

Enamel Lion CufflinksEnamel Lion Cufflinks

Aymara Diamond Zebra Butterfly Cufflinks

Sterling Zebra Cufflinks

Be the king of style

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Some guys have it and some guys don’t. What are we talking about here? A sense of style, of course! Some men have an innate sense of style, and they know what to wear and how to wear it. You can always tell who has “it” and who doesn’t, because guys with a keen sense of style always look good — no matter what they wear. Then there are the other guys … the ones that can’t seem to get themselves together. They end up matching the wrong color tie to their button-down shirt, wearing the wrong shoes, and failing to accessorize with elegant watches or cufflinks. If you’re the type of guy who has trouble getting dress for any occasion, don’t worry. We are here to help! In order to transform your wardrobe, you always have to start with the basics.

The basics include accessories, such as these Sterling Roaring Lion Cufflinks. Made by CLM New York, the smooth black enamel face and sophisticated design will provide you with the confidence to “roar” into any room, feeling like the “king” of style. Paired with a class white button-down shirt, a black tie and shiny pair of black shoes, you’ll be the best-dressed guy in the place. Sometimes, it just takes a simple accessory to get you started on the right path. That’s why an elegant pair of cufflinks can make all the difference when it comes to style. You can build a whole new look around the right pair of cufflinks.