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Style Icons: Angel & Edward

Thursday, October 11th, 2012



Seems like we needed to extend the post about hip and trendy “Vampires,” so here’s a little more (just in case you haven’t had your fill…

Edward Cullen

Yes, the CULLEN. Even if you’re sick of seeing his face around everywhere, you’ve gotta admit, the character does have style. At least he’s the anti-thesis of The Jersey Shore boys…
Edward Cullen
Circular Pavement Mosaic Mother of Pearl Cufflinks
Edward Cullen

Aymara Convex Ruby Spotted Butterfly Cufflinks

Aymara Convex Ruby Spotted Butterfly Cufflinks

Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  

Ah Angel. We will never forget you. In the 90s most young teens were in love with him, so that means the boys tried to emulate him. He had the tough boy appeal–dressed all in black, long trench coats (I mean, he was a vampire…), and a hint of a white tee shirt.

Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Vampire Skull and Crossbone CufflinksVampire Skull and Crossbone Cufflinks 

Get the look…

Marc New York Liam - Smooth Lamb Car Coat from Wilson's Leather

Marc New York Liam – Smooth Lamb Car Coat from Wilson’s Leather

White Tee from Calvin Klein

White Tee from Calvin Klein

So What’s the deal with Angel? I don’t remember him.

Well…”Angel (formerly Angelus, previously Liam) is a fictional character created by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt for the television programs Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. He is played by actor David Boreanaz. Angel is a 242 year old vampire who is cursed with a soul, a punishment designed to make him suffer for his past crimes committed under the name Angelus. Like many characters in the Buffyverse, Angel goes through drastic changes. He starts out as a reluctant hero who stayed in the shadows, and ended up a dark, flawed, yet altruistic champion of mankind, seeking to voluntarily atone for his sins. In addition to the two television series, the character appears in the comic book continuations of both series.”

Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Sterling Silver, Six Skull Faces Cufflinks

Sterling Silver, Six Skull Faces Cufflinks


Someone to Know: Lana Del Rey

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012



Okay, following the small session of our “Style Icons” from last week, we decided to feature a cool new artist, who is also a trend setter in her own right. This young, Brooklyn singer came up out of nowhere, and we’re loving her craft. Not only is she beautiful, in that stunning 50s kind of way, with a melodic haunting voice that harks back to the talent (RIP always) Amy Winehouse.

Lana Del ReyLana Del Rey

Piano Keys Onyx and Mother of Pearl Cufflinks

Piano Keys Onyx and Mother of Pearl Cufflinks

With her faintly controversial, hauntingly beautiful new album “Born to Die,” Del Rey explores the ancient stories of heartache, struggle, and the dark side of nature.

Lana Del Rey

When she was twenty years old, Del Rey signed a record contract for $10,000 and moved into a trailer park outside of the city. Her album, however, was shelved, causing her to shift her focus. Instead, she began to work in community service. “Homeless outreach, drug and alcohol rehabilitation – that’s been my life for the past five years,” she told Vogue in 2012. Felicia Sullivan of The Huffington Post spoke with Del Rey after the release of Kill Kill about her life in the trailer park.[26] Del Rey said:

“I didn’t feel trapped in a trailer park. I felt trapped before I got to the trailer park because I had nowhere to live. When I got my trailer, everyone there had the same taste as I did. We all liked giant, lush, fake flower gardens and liked to decorate the walls with streamers even if it wasn’t our birthday. I couldn’t have been happier there. Before that, I did dream of escaping. I always just figured it was gonna be a man who would take me away. I don’t know if I deserve a good man, but I think about it sometimes.”

Lana Del Rey

Purple Enamel Tracery Cufflinks

Purple Enamel Tracery Cufflinks

Lana Del Ray

Lana Del Rey

Treble Clef Cufflinks

Treble Clef Cufflinks

After uploading a few of her tracks to her YouTube channel, Del Rey was discovered and was signed by Stranger Records to release her debut single “Video Games”. She told The Observer, “I just put that song online a few months ago because it was my favourite. To be honest, it wasn’t going to be the single but people have really responded to it.” The song earned her a Q award for “Next Big Thing” in October 2011. The same month, she signed a joint deal withInterscope Records and Polydor to work on her second studio album Born to Die. Del Rey built anticipation to the album by doing a number of live appearances, such as promotional concerts at the Bowery Ballroom and at theChateau Marmont,

Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey

Style Icons: Louis, Lestat, & Dracula

Monday, October 8th, 2012




Shall we trace the lineage here?

Count Dracula

Count Dracula

Dracula Stamp Cufflinks

Dracula Stamp Cufflinks

Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. Famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula’s attempt to relocate from Transylvania to England, and the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.

Dracula has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic noveland invasion literature. The novel touches on themes such as the role of women in Victorian culture, sexual conventions, immigration, colonialism, and post-colonialism. Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, he defined its modern form, and the novel has spawned numerous theatrical, film and television interpretations.


Louis de Pointe du Lac (Brad Pitt)

Interview with a Vampire
Tateossian Ice Cube Red Cufflinks
Interview with the Vampire is a debut gothic horror and vampire novel by American author Anne Rice, published in 1976. Based on a short story Rice wrote in 1968 or 1969 which she expanded into a novel four years later, Interview with the Vampire centers on vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac who tells the story of his life to a reporter. It was followed by several sequels, collectively known as The Vampire Chronicles. A film adaptation was released in 1994, starring Brad Pitt, Kirsten Dunst, Antonio Banderas, Christian Slater and Tom Cruise.
Lestat de Lioncourt (Tom Cruise)
Even though he was the “mean” vampire, Lestat still had a good thing going. He had that swanky confidence about him, like “I don’t care who you are, I’ll still suck your blood,” kinda thing going. And yes, it’s stylish.
Interview with a Vampire
 100% Italian Silk Tie
100% Italian Silk Tie in Solid Black
How can you get a modernized look from Interview with a Vampire?
The intricate details on their 18th Century styled clothes are definitely “in” this season. The subtle hints of floral, antique flowers, decorative accents, and velvet can be modernized in new ways. Check out the florally-inspired  OBEY Marcel Shirt ($84.00) from Urban Outfitters
Interview with a Vampire
OBEY Marcel Shirt $84.00100% Italian Silk Pocket Square in Soft Pink from Daniel Dolce
OBEY Marcel Shirt $84.00 from Urban Outfitters and 100% Italian Silk Pocket Square in Soft Pink from Daniel Dolce

Style Icon: Cool Hand Luke

Friday, October 5th, 2012



Style Icon: Cool Hand Luke

Cool Hand Luke

Cool Hand Luke is a 1967 American prison drama film directed by Stuart Rosenberg and starring Paul Newman. The screenplay was adapted by Donn Pearce and Frank Pierson from Pearce’s 1965 novel of the same name. The film features George Kennedy (in an Oscar-winning performance), Strother Martin, J.D. Cannon and Morgan Woodward.

Cool Hand Luke

Splitting Log, Hand Painted Coin CufflinksSplitting Log, Hand Painted Coin Cufflinks

Newman stars in the title role as Luke, a prisoner in a Florida prison camp who refuses to submit to the system. In 2005, the United States Library of Congress deemed Cool Hand Luke to be “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.

Shotgun and Shell Cufflinks

Shotgun and Shell Cufflinks

Cool Hand Luke

Railroad Crossing Cufflinks

Railroad Crossing Cufflinks

One of the scenes from Cool Hand Luke made history. It’s known as “the egg eating contest” scene, where he ingests 50 eggs, to the surprise of his fellow inmates. Cool Hand Luke

Guitar Stamp Cufflinks

Guitar Stamp Cufflinks

Famous Line: “Sometimes nothing can be a really cool hand”

Lucas Jackson, natural born world shaker, someone with more guts than brains, a man who refuses to conform to the rules he has been given. Sent to a prison camp for a misdemeanor Luke soon gains respect and becomes an idol. He has some fun in jail doing things for the hell of it, after his mother dies the Bosses put him in the box afraid he might want to attend the funeral. When he gets out he runs and gets caught and runs and gets caught, the bosses try to break him but he just won’t break.

Cool Hand Luke

Hand Painted Florida State Quarter Cufflinks

Hand Painted Florida State Quarter Cufflinks

Cool Hand Luke

Style Icons: Rhett Butler

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012



Style Icon: Rhett Butler

Rhett Butler


Vintage Cigar Stamp Cufflinks

Vintage Cigar Stamp Cufflinks

Or shall we say Clark Gable as Rhett Butler? Clark Gable was an important figure in his own right, but by playing the role of Rhett Butler from Margaret Mitchell’s novel, “Gone with the Wind,” his status became that of an electric style icon.

Rhett Butler

Georgia State Quarter, Hand Painted Coin CufflinksGeorgia State Quarter, Hand Painted Coin Cufflinks

“In the beginning of the novel, we first meet Rhett at the Twelve Oaks Plantation barbecue, the home of John Wilkes and his son Ashley and daughters Honey and India Wilkes. The novel describes Rhett as “a visitor from Charleston”; a black sheep, who was expelled from West Point and is not received by any family with reputation in the whole of Charleston, and perhaps all of South Carolina. Rhett’s enthrallment with Scarlett O’Hara begins when he overhears her declaration of love for Ashley in the library while the rest of the “proper” girls take a nap. He recognizes that she is willful and spirited and that they are alike in many ways, including their disgust for the impending, and later ongoing, war with the Yankees.”

Rhett Butler

But how has the character of Rhett Butler effected fashion? His suave looks, mixed with form fitting, perfectly tailored suits, and complete with slicked back hair (that is always in place and properly trimmed!) has changed the way we view a classic gentleman. He evokes a sense of Southern Charm that evokes a sense of nostalgia for us fashion lovers.

Rhett Butler

Tateossian rt Brown Black Leather Cufflinks

Tateossian RT Brown Black Leather Cufflinks

WHAT WE LOVE? The knotted ties, the overcoats, puffy sleeves, manicured eyebrows (but not like Jersey Shore kind of thing…), and attention to detail. Even in all that Georgia heat, even when we know he’s all sweaty underneath, his style is one of a cool and collected gentleman. Dressing like Rhett will surely get you into to any restaurant and club in North America. Extra points for a cigar and shirt vest.

Rhett Butler

Royal Flush Poker Card Cufflinks

Royal Flush Poker Card Cufflinks