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Posts Tagged ‘art cufflinks’

A Smashing Pair of Cufflinks for Mom

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Who says that the fellas get to have all the fun? Cufflinksman introduces a select line of cufflinks for women that will remind consumers that it is good to be a girl! Adorable and stylish accents in motifs that will register with the female population; ladies cufflinks present the option to accessorize and accent business casual and formal attire, adorning each cuff with a hint of sophistication.


Women’s Black High Hill Shoe Cufflinks

Some of the women’s cufflinks available include the timeless sex-symbol: the black stiletto heel. These Black High Hill Shoe Cufflinks for women are graced with the same convenient wear that the men are accustomed to with torpedo-style closure and handcrafted Silver-plated Rhodium finish. The black liqueur of each tiny shoe glimmers against the high-sheen of the polished silver setting. Tiny sparkling crystals accentuate each heel, exuding glamor and a vintage style to the world.

Red Glass Shoes Cufflinks

Red Glass Shoes Cufflinks

The Red Glass Shoes Cufflinks are an exemplary pair of unique ladies cufflinks that will add just a touch of ruby red to the cuff, seamlessly accenting apparel for any occasion or event. The torpedo-style backing is securely attached to each silver filigree shoe, with insoles accented in glossy red enamel. These women’s cufflinks are delicate and detailed, perfect for the wearer who is new to accessorizing or who wants to make a fun and sassy impression.


Pin Up Girl Cufflinks

Some ladies cufflinks are also a popular favorite among the men also. Take for instance the vintage-styled Pin Up Girl Cufflinks from Cufflinksman. The silver plated silhouette of the curvacious bombshell will delight and engage, while sparking confidence and swagger in the men and women wearing them. The popular bullet-style back secures during wear, keeping each cufflink intact and in place.

Light Violet Butterfly Cufflinks

          Light Violet Butterfly Cufflinks

Special Edition: What To Get Her for Valentine’s Day

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013
Cufflinksman Speaks…


What to get her for Valentine’s Day?


Well that depends on what kind of “girl” you have and definitely what kind of relationship you have together. Let’s break down a few of the possibilities:
Just friends, well, kind of…
-Go back to Kindergarten. What exactly does that mean? Think short notes, small flowers, a speck of candy, and maybe a mini monkey bear thing. It just shows “you’re a sweetheart in my book” and “I’ll save extra carrots for you during snack time.”
Teddy Bear Cufflinks


She doesn’t know how much you really care, but you actually really do
-Surprise her with a gift card to something you know she loves (like Starbucks?), get her a copy of your favorite book (so she’ll think of you while reading), or burn her a CD of your favorite tunes (same concept here). Tie each with a red ribbon and then go out for a drink with tapas. (It says ‘casual’). Buy her at least two glasses of wine, and then see where the night takes you…


You think she’s awesome, but maybe not the “one” you’re going to end up with in the end
-First, please refer to “Friends with Extra Benefits” section. Next mix options “Just friends, kind of” and “Dating for 3+ months.” There you have a perfect match, vis a vie gift anyway…


You are hopelessly in love with her
-This is the most complicated category of this entire blog. What to do, what to do…I would normally say, refer to number ____, but that doesn’t mean much. So, it’s time to get real. What does your lady love? Is it the ocean? Is it silence? Is it Wordsworth’s poetry? Is it the 1860s? Perhaps she loves Taye Diggs? Pick at least three of “These are a few of my favorite things…” and come up with something creative. Then slowly incorporate the following examples/scenerios from Dating 3 + Months and more into the mix to make it extra special.


Friends with extra benefits
-Something kinky. If you like her, maybe love her, and maybe/maybe not want to blow her brains out, get her something sexy. That doesn’t always constitute lingerie persay, but…it could. Think about your favorite sexcapades: what is normally involved? Hot oil massages? Sex toys? Certain genre of music? Sexual play things? Nothing says, “I love what you do to me,” better than a great sex kit. Try filling a basket with some lub, condoms, sex toys, and something really sexually exotic that neither of you have ever tried. (Stumped for ideas? We can’t write them all here, but we can direct you to your local sex shop/Ricky’s, assuming of course you’re in NYC). Then see where the night takes you. But get really wild/adventurous.


Dating for 3+ months
-Think back over the past three months. What have the two of you done together? Think of the most special, cool, romantic, quirky moments and pick an object that stands out from one of those moments. Did you share laughs about some guy’s mustache while ice skating? (Get her a mustache mug, with matching “Ron Swanson” mustaches for the two of you to wear over dinner). Did you tease her while she cried during an episode of Game of Thrones? (Get her the DVD set and a figurine of Jamie Lanister, or whatever his name is). Did you guys experience a ‘moment’ whilst driving and a particular song came on? (Make her a mix tape with tat song and others like it…)


Dating for  1 year
-Please refer to “Dating for 3+ Months.” In addition to these ideas, something more substantially materialistic is appropriate too. What is her weakness/superficial loves: bags, shoes, makeup, body care, clothes, scents, accessories, or jewelry? Pick one of these and find her favorites. If she loves bags, find that perfect knapsack you know she’s been eyeing. If she’s a beauty regime type, take a trip to Sephora and pick out a skin care/makeup gift set. If she’s a necklace lover, find a local artisan and have something simple made for her. If she’s a shoe person, go to Bloomingdales and ask a sales rep for help. But if you follow any of these things, also, again, refer to “Dating for 3+ months” for those sentimental kicks too.


Dating longer than 2 years/Engaged
-Synthesize advice from “Dating for 3+ Months” and “Dating for 1 year.” Couple that with a momento of your relationsip: a photo gift book (collages of your history together), mix tape of your favorite songs, poetry (what, what?), and/or some other romantic set-up that showcases your time together.


Newly Weds
-Again, going along with the previous three models, pick something from there, and then get a memento of your courtship. A series of professional pictures, a beauty session together, a travel package (even to your local hotel/bed and breakfast), and set it up with small mementos of your inner personal relationship.


Old school couple/partners
Get her something that you know she’s been wanting, and no, that doesn’t include a new toaster. If you know she loves a particular scent, get her a nice perfume that exemplifies that. If you know she loves turquoise, get her a brooch or local-artisan ring featuring a turquoise stone. If she’s religious, buy her a nice rosary made from blessed stones, a Quran from a local bookshop, homemade oils from the local Pagan lady, etc. Or let’s say she has some wacky love/fetish/taste in something that no one else does: get her that. Find it! Get her an array of things that she wouldn’t normally buy for herself, just to show how well you really know her.

How to LIVE on $20 A Day

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012



So it’s already Tuesday and you suddenly realize that you have…$40 to your name. How can you go out, enjoy yourself for a whole day, whilst only using $20? (The other $20 will be used “in case of emergency” kind of thing, because, responsible people do those kinds of things).

How to Live on $20 a Day

                     What you’ll need:

One bag

An Open Mind

And of course, $20


      Lunch specials are your friend. You know how you go to get sushi after 5pm and the hand rolls double in price? What about Thai food, like your favorite Pad Thai, goes from $7 at lunch time to $14.50 in the evening? Well guess what? It’s the same food. So take advantage of the “lunch time specials,” where you can get your favorite meal for under $10 usually. Favorite Lunch Meal: $7 (average) plus $3 tip= $10

Starry Night, Van Gogh CufflinksStarry Night, Van Gogh Cufflinks

Trip to the Metropolitian Museum of Art. Did you know there are centuries of art stored in this one musueum? Go! Take advantage! Wonder around for at least two hours, sit in front of at least ONE painting for at least FIVE minutes, meditate, and do not talk to anyone. You’re here for your “almost” free art and you need to get your $1 worth. Price based on Donations and today you’re really broke, so: $1


Two Cups of Coffee, one by yourself and then another with a friend. The good thing about Starbucks, other than their supposed humane ways of harvesting coffee, is that you can get a refill for only .50 cents. So that means get a Tall Coffee for $2.01, drink it alone while surfing the web/working/reading casually/soaking in surroundings/eavesdropping on conversations/ogling the barista/whatever you do when you drink your coffee kind of thing…and then keep the cup. Put it in your bag if you have to! Then after your trip to the museum, invite a friend for some more joe, and sit and chat out your experience of the art. Total Cost for Two Cups of Coffee: $2.51

Coffee Cup CufflinksCoffee Cup Cufflinks

Thrift Store Diving.The catch is, you can only spend $5. This can be used on old records, a thermos, a new backpack, three orange tee shirts, and more. Think creatively–how far can you stretch your $5? Total Cost for Something Unique/Strange/Wonderful: $5.

Watch an outdoor game. Look up on your trusty iphone any local games in your area. Even if they’re little league kind of games, go to the bleachers and root for your favorite color! (Will it be the purple team or the yellow?). No, we’re not saying be that creepy guy in the stands watching 5-year-olds play tee ball, but find a high school game somewhere, an advanced baseball league for teens, and watch them show you up with their stellar curve ball. Free Outdoor Game: $0 (Free!)

Authentic Fenway Park Stamp CufflinksAuthentic Fenway Park Stamp Cufflinks

After you’ve been watching people younger than you own the court/field/park, maybe it’s time to do some exercise of your own. After all, you have had two cups of coffee…so you’re kind of pumped, right? Good. Now get to your nearest park with a view and do something creatively fun that you’ve never done before. This could be mixed martial arts, yoga, running (!), jogging, total body workouts in the grass…but make sure you get a bottle of water while you’re there. We don’t want you passing out from dehydration now. Exercise in the Park + Bottle of Water+ a post-work out hot dog with sauerkraut: $3.50

Enamel Hotdog CufflinksEnamel Hotdog Cufflinks

Okay, so if you have any sense in math, you’ll realize we’ve gone over budget by $2. Oh well! Eliminate the hotdog if you want, but we promise you’ll have a complete, pre-fall “self indulgent” day for only $20.





4 Things You MUST Do This Spring

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012


Things to DO now that Spring is finally here.

Four things to brighten your spring, enliven your cultural step, and add a little fashion to your fabric.

Tateossian Animal Gecko Cufflinks

Take this little Animal Gecko Cufflink as inspiration–make sure to get out in nature at least once a week. This can be a simple stroll in the park, bird watching, short hikes, nature trails, or spending time in your backyard or fire escape lounging. If it’s a fire escape, though, please, watch out for the gaps. Vitamin D is something most Americans are lacking and it’s been linked to many physical and emotional ailments (specifically depression) so make sure you get your daily allotted 15 minutes of sun exposure. If this is impossible, take a daily vitamin. Take the kids to the zoo, see the animals, take a short drive over to the beach or lake….enjoy what mother Nature has to offer.

Tateossian Turtle Cufflinks

Take these Tateossian Turtle Cufflinks little with you for good luck, a bright spring color, and a whimsical reminder of the simpler things in life.

Take a road trip…preferably Jack Kerouac style, but we can’t all hitchhike our way West (or East). This means, letting it all go, packing ONE bag, filling up the tank, and just going. Stop at diners, visit local monuments, spend the night at camp grounds (preferably with showers). This Freeway Green Tateossian Cufflink reminds us of the importance of the open road, the vivid colors of nature, and the sleek austerity of the speeding, moving vehicle. Tateossian designed this cufflink with exactly that in mind.

Tateossian Freeway Green Cufflinks

And while you’re doing all this nature walking and bi-coastal traveling, make sure you bring a compass. Mapquest isn’t accessible everywhere and you may find yourself without wifi or a printer handy. (That’s the point, right?) if you really want to go old school, and have trouble navigating by the stars alone, try this functional Tateossian Compass Cufflink.

Tateossian Compass Rhodium Cufflinks
Visit a museum. If you are blessed enough to live in a Metropolis, take heed of all the art events taking place around your city. In NYC for example, there is an amazing Stein Collection on exhibit until June 3rd, 2012, featuring some never-before-seen-together Matisse, Picasso, Renoir, and others’ paintings. The collection is one of a kind and a must see. Similarly, at the 42nd Street Library there’s a famous Shelley Exhibit, honoring the life of the rogue/poet/lover/revolutionary Percy Shelley. Whatever it is…go to a museum this spring, preferably on a rainy day, and take in the beauty of Modern Art and public exhibits (normally free!)

Tateossian Traforato Blue Pebble Cufflinks

Secondly create something yourself. If you’re not an artist, or have absolutely no flair for artistic creation, think of your wardrobe as assembling a masterpiece–carefully select everything “beautiful” from your socks to your cuffs. You will then be a walking Renoir, but since he rarely painted men, you probably won’t have all the curves.

Are you a connoisseur of cufflinks?

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

There are connoisseurs everywhere you look these days. Some connoisseurs have a sophisticated palette, and they enjoy eating at fancy restaurants and tasting upscale foods. Other connoisseurs collect bottles of wine, and they appreciate the subtleties of different blends. A connoisseur is someone who has a great deal of knowledge and appreciation for something sophisticated and revered, such as food, wine and fine art. Most connoisseurs are eager to share that knowledge with anyone who will listen. (Too bad there’s not a category for a connoisseur of football.) If you are a connoisseur of something, why not take a look at our selection of Connoisseur Cufflinks? We have a wide array of sophisticated Connoisseur Cufflinks to choose from, including these beautiful and classic Mona Lisa Cufflinks.

Mona Lisa Cufflinks

For any connoisseur of fine art, these cufflinks are a must-have. They look like an exact replica of the painting made famous by Leonardo da Vinci. But it really doesn’t matter what your connoisseur specialty may be, what matters most is that you honor it. And what better way to honor your connoisseur specialty than with a pair of cufflinks? You may even be a connoisseur of cufflinks, which means that you know when cufflinks were invented, who invented them, and why they have become so popular. It also means that you have a very prominent cufflink collection. The only pair of cufflinks that are missing are Connoisseur Cufflinks. So purchase a new pair today.