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Relaxation Tips for a Hectic Monday

Monday, October 24th, 2011



The joy of coffee. The joy of the early morning sunrise. The joy of screaming children on their way to school. The beatific sounds of construction and traffic. The wondrous burnt bagel you received from Fred. The joy of wearing two different colored socks unbeknownst to you. The joy of the slow stagger in your walk….Good morning Monday!

Sometimes the monotony, or even busyness, of each week can become unbearable. Everyone talks about how stress can cause severe physical problems: fatigue, heart trouble, circulatory problems, and even cancer. There are many little things you can do throughout each day to counter the effects of stress and add little drops of goodness to your life.

Om Symbol Cufflinks

Om Symbol Cufflinks

1. Drink tea…slowly. Most of us hastily drink down our coffee or tea throughout the day, not taking our time in our consumption. Try this: brew some hot tea, either at work or home. Make sure your alone for at least ten minutes and if you are not, put on your headphones and tune out the world. The Japanese believe that tea drinking is a spiritual, zen activity, and so it is. While pouring the water in the glass, concentrate on slowing down time, visualizing the water as a cleansing agent, and transport yourself somewhere calm. Take long, deep sips of the tea. Think about the tastes, visualize light in your head and all around you. After ten minutes of this, you will undoubtedly feel much more relaxed and in tune with yourself.

2. Open your jaw for three minutes. That’s right. If you have a headache or tension in your body, believe it or not, we hold most of our tension in our jaws. It’s an extremely powerful muscle, used all throughout the day in talking, eating, chewing, grinding…Give it a break. The best part is, this can be done alone or in public. But you may look a little funny: Sit with your mouth slightly ajar for three minutes straight. Don’t completely lock your jaw in an open position, but let your jaw just hang there, let your tongue drop out a little. After about an entire minute, we promise you’ll feel different! This simple activity is so relaxingly powerful, you’ll thank us 🙂

3. Instead of coming home to action packed TV or movies, try watching an old childhood film or cartoon favorite like superman movies.. It will instantly calm you, remind you of the inherent relaxation in childhood, and bring back warm memories. You may even forget the deadline for tomorrow and the next day and just focus on the colors, memorable songs, lines…etc. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with relishing in our favorite cartoons.

Superman Cufflinks

Superman Cufflinks

4. Once a day, turn off the phone and internet. Literally. After reading this even! Literally shut down your fancy phone so you don’t even see the pulsing lights and close your laptop. Science has recently shown that our brains are literally re-wired through the excess of technology–the constant beeping of phones, trains, computers, emails….sometimes we just need a break. Once a day, everyday, let the world know you will be unreachable for two hours. There is so much freedom in this simple activity, almost like taking a quick mountain hiatus in your daily routine.

5. Go outside and play your favorite sport. Even if it’s just for fifteen minutes. It will get your blood pumping, release “happy” endorphins in the brain, and release pent up stress, anger, and energy. Plus you’ll sleep better and get your metabolism going.

Football Season Cufflinks

Football Season Cufflinks

Say what you want to say with your cufflinks

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Most guys just dribble along with the masses when it comes to fashion. They tend to follow the latest trends like herds of cows being leg across a pasture. Even though following fashion trends is a good rule of thumb, it’s also a smart idea to break away from the herd every now and again. If you want to create your own set of cufflinks, you can! Just purchase a pair of Engravable Cufflinks and say exactly what’s on your mind. Men’s fashion is all about making a statement. So when you are dressed and ready to do, it’s always best to look in the mirror and think about what statement you are making. That’s why Engravable Cufflinks are fun and unique — you get to say exactly what you want to say and make a bold statement.

Titanium Shield Cufflinks

Titanium Shield Cufflinks

We have one of the largest selections of Engravable Cufflinks available online. From silver to gold and other types of materials, each one of our Engravable Cufflinks comes with a smooth and flawless blank surface just waiting to be filled with words. All you have to do is get them engraved! For example, you can easily put your initials on these Titanium Shield Cufflinks or have them engraved with the word “courage” instead. The best part about Engravable Cufflinks is that you have the ability to be creative and make them your own. Every time you snap them to your wrist, you’ll be making a statement — a statement that you created yourself.