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The Back to School Special: How to Survive Your First Year in College

Monday, September 3rd, 2012



Tips for how to survive your first year of college

1. Know that your roommate will be weird/eccentric/unusual. And this is the time to embrace it! College is about learning that not everyone is like you and embracing all the differences the world has to offer. Let him/her teach you something new about the world and make sure you’re open to those new discoveries.

Boston College Eagles Cufflinks

Boston College Eagles Cufflinks

2. College is not the place to be cocky or arrogant. It’s about finding yourself, your “inner” self, not bragging about how many successful passes you made on the highschool football team, or announcing your stellar SAT scores. Humble yourself to the learning and you’ll find yourself on a new academic/social/spiritual/life changing journey.

Blueprint Cufflinks

Blueprint Cufflinks. (Perfect for architecture students!

3. Have an extra set of sheets. It’s not enough to have one set, because when they’re being washed, what will you sleep in. See, it’s all about the little things.

18-Karat Gold Pen Nib Cufflinks

18-Karat Gold Pen Nib Cufflinks

4. Hang out with friends. Hang out while studying. Hang out at the library, coffee shops, in your dorm room. It’s okay to be alone when you’re crunching down for your final papers, but throughout the rest of the semester, HANG OUT WITH YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS.

Arizona Wildcats Cufflinks

Arizona Wildcats Cufflinks

5. Try not to judge others. Keep an open mind. Everyone is different. Remember, this is the time to learn about the world, not just enforce and defend your own viewpoints.




A Day in the Life of a Cufflink

Friday, August 3rd, 2012




A Day in the Life of a Cufflink

Our Guest Speaker: Mr. Gold Stud Cufflink

Gold Knot Cufflinks


        Ever wonder what your cufflinks are thinking? What if they could talk? What would those tiny little accessories say to you? What would they say about themselves? We recently scored an exclusive interview with one of our long-lost cufflinks, who was sold a few years ago to a now-famous cigar-smoking billionaire. His subsequent cufflink set, that is, Mr. Gold Stud Cufflink, arose during our client’s rise to fame, and that is precisely why he was willing to open up and tell us what a day in the life is really life…

Say what?!?! Mr. Gold Stud Cufflink

6:30am: Beat out Mr. Royal Blue Stripes today. Ha! That’s five times this month I got picked over him. Boy will he be mad at the end of the night. So much for “blue is always in style…” What a lame-o.

Royal Blue Stripes Cufflinks

Poor Mr. Royal Blue Stripes. Ha.

His price: $49.95

7am: Got a nice water drizzle from the sink when Mr. Fashionable was brushing his teeth. Hey, it’s alright I’m made of pure gold anyway…well. Not really pure solid gold, but at least I’m gold pated. Right? Guys? Back there in the jewelry box?

9:30am: Cool, no rust stains from the tooth-brush water drizzle action. Must be because I’m made from the best! 🙂 Thanks Cufflinksman.

11am: I know I look good and all but I’m not getting enough attention from these other dudes. Business meetings don’t do much for my confidence. We’ll see how the afternoon goes…

2pm: Still shining! All day, everyday baby.

2:15pm: Ran into a sweet looking, shiny Ms. Pink Lady Cufflinks in the hallway today. Wowza! Does she have style…I wish I had mother of pearl accents on my belly too. She makes my Torpedo back Closure tremble…

Pink Mother of Pearl Cufflinks

Mmm…Ms. Pink Mother of Pearl Cufflinks, come on over to Mr. Stud!

5pm: Spaghetti sauce dribbled on my frontal etchings. It’s okay though, as long as he wipes me off…

5:20pm: Still haven’t been wiped off…

5:45pm: Smelling like spaghetti…

Thanks Italy for your sauce…

6pm: Looks like I’m going home with sauce on me. Ah well, the night’s still young!

7pm: Scraped my face a little on the bar stool, but other than that I’m good. Ran into a rather snobby “Trust me, I’m a Doctor” Cufflink. I think he thought he was better than me, but, I know I cost more, so…little does he know. He’s probably not even a doctor.

Doctor Slogan Cufflinks


9pm: <3 Thinking about Ms. Pink Lady Cufflinks. <3


10pm: Ready to go home. C’est la vie in a day in the life. Mr. Fashionable is talking about baseball with a guy wearing a Yankees Cufflink Set. This could quite possibly go on all night…

NY Yankees Cufflinks

Who does he think he is? Little does he know, I like the Mets!

11:12pm: Back home, back in my box. The other cufflinks are super jealous. Loving life, got my bling on and the spaghetti sauce was eventually wiped off. Another day, another shirt.





Street Style: March 18th

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

Like every other season, it’s about the little details. Think of a wine tasting…one doesn’t go in and down each and every glass, right? Savor style too. There are more options for men then ever in the realm of fashion and shoes are not to be understated. To go with the rolled pant look, these featured kicks bring a plain tee and jeans to a whole different level. GQ Magazine recently featured these in their March issue and we’d like to bring them to you in case you missed it.
 Photographs by Tommy Ton

 Photographs by Tommy Ton

Photographs by Tommy Ton
Oh what to say about these! Traditional loafers with a kick (no pun intended…well maybe) transitioned into spring with no socks or at least a no-sock look. The bags in this wonderful photograph also point at the importance of the details in accessories–a woodland inspired plaid bag, a canvas messenger, and again, the rolled jeans. And what about toting your cufflinks? Our brand new Mini Travel box will do the job for under $50.
Photographs by Tommy TonPhotographs by Tommy Ton
And don’t forget/be afraid to sprinkle a little white in the mix!
Photographs by Tommy TonPhotographs by Tommy Ton
Wow, so this photo may not be the largest/best quality, but the brown shoes with the cropped blue pants are worth taking a look (not to mention his model “friend”). Because black and brown are not friends normally in the fashion world, or at least the high end runway world, this guy pulls off the blue to brown beautifully. Try it.
Photographs by Tommy Ton of GQ MagazinePhotographs by Tommy Ton of GQ Magazine
RED pops of colors! Need we say more? The two look ultra stylish at a cafe, reminiscent of 50s Chicago, mixed with avant-garde Paris, and a little Bronx action in the hat choices.

Photographs by Tommy Ton

Top Habits that Improve Your Looks

Friday, February 24th, 2012


Change your sheets regularly. Dirty sheets lead to facial break outs. It’s quite an obvious tip, but many people don’t bother to change their sheets every other week. The longer that pillow case sits at the head of your bed, the more acne you’ll have by morning…Farah Averill from says the following: “It’s particularly important to lay out some fresh bedding if you frequently have a female in your bed, as residue from women’s makeup and hair products can get left behind on your sheets and subsequently be transferred to your face.”

OVAL ONYX AND MOTHER OF PEARL CUFFLINKSEven Simon Bolivar had to change his sheets every week (or so). Check out this vintage stamp Oval Cufflinks set

See a barber every three to six weeks to get a mandatory shape up. Some men let this slide and go longer without getting a hair cut. But we’re here to let you know gentlemen, it’s necessary to keep up the clean cut. Necessity for a clean, polished look, and won’t hurt your wallet too much at around $12-$15 a pop.
Check out these vintage Sawblade Cufflinks, just like the barbers used to use…and still do
Shave after showering. Who would thunk it? Well, you know that foggy mirror you see when you step outside the raining waters of the shower head? It’s the humidity from the hot water and it actually opens up your pores and softens the hair follicle. Ever see those movies where the men in barber shops put a hot towel compress on the face for several minutes? it’s the same thing, but it will save your complexion and make for an easier shave if you  wait until after you hit the shower.
Wash your feet everyday, with soap. No brainer right? Ah, but some men think that the drips of shampoo that cascade down from the head or chest or other surrounding areas is good enough to clean the feet. NOT true. Bacteria builds up quickly on the feet, especially because it’s a moist area that is normally covered throughout must of the day. Get in between the toes with the soap and rinse clean. You’ll save money on odor-eaters too in the long run.

Water!! Water and water! If you spend so much time in your sacred, coveted shower, think how much the inside of your body loves water? Drink at least 8 glasses a day. it flushes out your system, reduces facial blemishes, and keeps your skin radiate and fresh.
Aquarius Cufflinks

The Human Brain on Technology

Friday, December 9th, 2011



Our brains are literally rewired by our excessive daily technological usage. There is no denying this. We have yet to even see its full effects on the human brain because, well, we are still in the “thick” of it. It will be many years from now before we can see it’s repercussions. Kind of like testing a new drug and the FDA only sees it’s negative effects ten years later. But this doesn’t mean technology is bad. Not in the least.

Technological BrainTechnological Brain

It’s just a simple truth that Westerns have grown accustomed to the availability of electronics. Our “progressive” population has grown considerably in the name of technology, albeit the majority of medical, scientific, and industrious revolutions come in the wake of a brand new technology.

Green Pig Angry Birds Game CufflinksGreen Pig Angry Birds Game Cufflinks

Or your brain on technology?

The New York Times reported in 2010: “Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The stimulation provokes excitement — a dopamine squirt — that researchers say can be addictive. In its absence, people feel bored.”

Think about how Angry Birds literally transforms the idle doctors waiting room office…

Red Angry Bird CufflinksRed Angry Bird Cufflinks

“The technology is rewiring our brains,” said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse and one of the world’s leading brain scientists. She and other researchers compare the lure of digital stimulation less to that of drugs and alcohol than to food and sex, which are essential but counterproductive in excess. Technology use can benefit the brain in some ways, researchers say. Imaging studies show the brains of Internet users become more efficient at finding information. And players of some video games develop better visual acuity”

Smart Phone CufflinksSmart Phone Cufflinks

“More broadly, cellphones and computers have transformed life. They let people escape their cubicles and work anywhere. They shrink distances and handle countless mundane tasks, freeing up time for more exciting pursuits. For better or worse, the consumption of media, as varied as e-mail and TV, has exploded. In 2008, people consumed three times as much information each day as they did in 1960. And they are constantly shifting their attention. Computer users at work change windows or check e-mail or other programs nearly 37 times an hour, new research shows”

Like/Dislike Social Network CufflinksLike/Dislike Social Network Cufflinks

The nonstop interactivity is one of the most significant shifts ever in the human environment, said Adam Gazzaley, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.

“We are exposing our brains to an environment and asking them to do things we weren’t necessarily evolved to do,” he said. “We know already there are consequences.””–By MATT RICHTEL, for The New York Times, Published: June 6, 2010.

So we’ve had our “Industrial Revolution.” Well ladies and Gents, we are in the midst of the new big era: the Technology Revolution. Where will it take us next?