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Archive for the ‘Game Cufflinks’ Category

Game of Thrones

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

The Game of Thrones has had a huge impact on modern programming over the past year. It seems like everyone is talking about the science fiction/fantasy/epic show on HBO and it just gets better every week. Right when you think you “know” a character, or fall in love just a little, they are stripped away from you, like in the case of Ned Stark. (Poor Ned). So as weekly, loyal fans, how can you show your support for Winterfell and King’s Landing? Maybe your loyalty lies with the Dothraki’s or perhaps Daenerys Targaryen herself (played by the stunning Emilia Clarke)…

Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of DragonsDaenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons


Red Dragon Head  Cufflinks Clip

Howling Wolf Cufflinks

And what about our beloved bastard, Jon Snow? Really, Dani and Jon should just get togetheracross the narrow sea and procreate already–they are positively too stunning to not. Alas, we’re following the season via HBO and haven’t read the novels, so please don’t spoil anything for us.

Jon Snow in Game of Thrones

Lithuanian Hand Painted Coin CufflinksLithuanian Hand Painted Coin Cufflinks

Do you support the Dragons? What will happen in the next episode? Will Dani marry that rich merchant or follow her adviser? What will become of the little Arya? Who will become king? The suspense is just too much. In the meantime, show your Game of Thrones pride by looking through our immense collection of cufflinks, featuring swords, dragons, magic, coins, and more…

Chinese Dragon Cufflinks

-[Chinese Dragon Cufflinks

How To Tell if She’s Into You

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

How To Tell if She’s Into You

When you’re talking, does she have a slightly dreamy look in her eyes? Notice the eyes first and foremost. All women, including men, tend to have a dreamy sparkle in their eyes when they encounter someone they are into. It’s just that simple–their eyes light up when they see the person. This can also happen when two people first meet–hence “love at first sight.”


Does she smile a lot when you two talk? A woman’s natural instinct is to smile more in the presence of a suitor and it says a lot if she seems happier when she’s with you. Laughing is also a good thing too, obviously.

Bart Simpson Stamp CufflinksBart Simpson Stamp Cufflinks

Does she seem a little fidgety/gulp a little in between words? Women, no matter how confident they may be, tend to gesture and fidget more in the presence of someone they like–basically they get more nervous around someone they are attracted to. This also includes sweating. Oh yes, the dreaded perspiration…but it’s true–when a woman seems little flustered, wet at the hair temple, and swallows in between pauses, chances are she’s either having an anxiety attack or she’s into you.

Red Amour Heart Stamp CufflinksRed Amour Heart Stamp Cufflinks

Does she initiate meetings or outings? Because of the shifting of the times, it’s not always the men who initiate meetings anymore. If she invites you to parties, out to lunch, coffee, or an after-work cocktail, chances are, it’s not just the caffeine or whiskey she’s craving.

tateossian roulette cufflinkstateossian roulette cufflinks

Does she talk about other men a lot in your presence? Then she’s just not that into you. Women who talk about other men in front of a potential suitor aren’t gaga or head over heels. Unless she’s trying to make you jealous or she’s insecure about herself, chances are, she’s just…not into you.

Seven Most Common Holiday Facebook Statuses

Sunday, December 25th, 2011




I’m so THANKFUL for…(insert adorable dog, mother, son, grandmother who passed 10 years before, my new ipad2, my husband who finally decided to do the dishes, my children for going to bed early, my neighbors for turning down the music, scotch tape for making wrapping presents easier, the dollar store, and finally, for 5 hour energy for helping you make it through the day)

Facebook Me CufflinksFacebook Me Cufflinks

I’m so STRESSED (because of my job, lack of wardrobe materials, iphone was stolen/broken/smashed/fell in the toilet, I can’t find the matching underwear set for Sarah’s American Girl doll collection, my credit card froze, traffic on the way home, there are no more turkeys left at5 the grocery store, your gift card finally ran out from last year’s Christmas, and you still haven’t made plane tickets back “home” for the holidays and it’s Dec. 25th)

Ireland 1 Pence Celtic Bird Coin Cuff LinksBirds Cufflinks

Omg we’re having eggnog and roasted chestnuts by the fire (aka we’re drunk, aka we’re having so much fun, aka will probably forget this in the morning, aka you burnt yourself roasting your chestnut but won’t publicly announce that on Facebook, you really don’t like eggnog but drink it anyway because it’s one of those things you’re supposed to do…)

My kids are driving me crazy. Almost done shopping…(your kids drive you crazy every day. it’s just that you only feel like a good parent if you post this three times a year, with the exception of holidays because then you have an excuse to be over stressed and take it out on your kids.)

Dennis the Menace Comic Strip Stamp CufflinksDennis the Menace Comic Strip Stamp Cufflinks

Yea ______ !!! (insert football team/football player who just scored two seconds before this was posted) (all the random drunken guy friends you have across the United States that are obsessed with their local team and still drink Natty Lite out of a can. Yes a can.)

Washington Redskins Cufflinks and Tie Bar Gift SetWashington Redskins Cufflinks and Tie Bar Gift Set

Look at my early Christmas present!! (insert photo of x-box, ring, bracelet, coach handbag, etc.) ( just another way to brag and show what you think you may be worth in case someone ever asks–you can simply say “Hey I’m worth like 10 coach bags, okay??)

Like/Dislike Facebook CufflinksLike/Dislike Facebook Cufflinks

Look at this New Photo of Me, Hubby, Dog, Cat, and our refrigerator… (obnoxious Christmas photos where everyone is looking intoxicated-ly happy and cheerful, wearing their favorite cashmere sweaters and matching pants, aka dysfunctional families trying to pretend normalcy)

Capricorn The Goat, Hand Painted Coin CufflinksCapricorn The Goat, Hand Painted Coin Cufflinks

But the BEST statuses are those that simply say Merry Christmas (or any affiliated holiday) and Happy New Year! End Status and blog update.


Merry Christmas everyone!!  Love, CLM

Seven Holiday Gifts for Dad

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011



I’m thinking of something….

1. Heartfelt Card
There’s nothing like an honest heartfelt card around the holidays. Just make sure it’s not too honest—you don’t want to go bringing up old tiffs and trysts with Papa Bear now. Tell him how much you appreciate him, how invaluable he is, and include a little personal memory that only you would remember.

…..Pocket Sized
2. Swiss Army Knife
Every man can use a new pocket knife. Think of the one dad already owns? Crusty old thing. Throw it out! Get him a new one! Of course one of the most trusted brands is The Swiss Army Knife and even comes with the little plastic toothpick for those unsightly “gum food”. Get the guy something handy.

Wenger Evowood 11, $59Swiss Army Wenger Evowood, $59

2. Cufflinks
Think about it—it’s quite simply a no brainer. He can wear them to work, golfing, formal dinners, meetings, at your child’s christening and graduation…they will come in handy very soon. We have a range of moderately priced cufflinks to fit your budget and Dad’s style (or lack there of) and we have a cufflink set for literally every Dad personality out there. Choose from Homer Simpson Cufflinks, Navy Cufflinks, or Hand Painted Animal Cufflinks

Navy Cufflinks, $49Navy Cufflinks, $49



King Charles Spaniel Cufflinks

3. Tie
Duh. Every year. He needs another tie.

Black Super Stripe Silk TieBlack Super Stripe Silk Tie

…Handy Dandy
4. New Tool
Right before the holidays, tool kits and individual tools normally go on sale. Keep an eye out on the Sunday ads, online sales, free shipping deals, etc. A simple drill, or 10-in-1 kind of tool is always good.

Craftsman Evolv Evolv 18.0 volt Drill/Driver 11383, $39 at SearsCraftsman Evolv Evolv 18.0 volt Drill/Driver 11383, $39 at Sears


….Appealing to the Male Ego’s love of sound and projection
6. Surround Sound System for Home
Let’s face it—dad’s hearing is going a little haywire these days. (Think: “What? What?? What?? I can’t hear you! Turn up the TV!). Yes, his ears are going bad. But don’t worry! He can still enjoy his Monday night football and episodes of David Letterman with a surround sound system. And he doesn’t need to have a giant plasma fancy pants TV to go with it, you can simply use it with almost any set you already own. (Not sure about the rabbit ear kind of TV though…)

7. Tickets to a sports game in the New Year
What’s his favorite? Baseball? Soccer? Hockey? Pre-pay for tickets or give him an IOU for his favorite team’s sporting event.

Manchester United Football Club Cufflinks

Manchester United Football Club Cufflinks

Life can often be a puzzle

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Sometimes, life can be a confusing puzzle and none of the pieces seem to fit together at all. But that’s part of the adventure of life. If you always knew what was going to happen, and how things were going to work out, then life would be boring and dull. But that’s not the way that life works. Sometimes, you have to wait until you have the whole picture before it makes sense. It takes a great deal of serenity and patience to work through puzzling life challenges, but luckily we have the perfect pair of cufflinks to help you along your path.

Sterling Puzzle Pieces Cufflinks

These stunning Sterling Puzzle Pieces Cufflinks are great for any guy who has an inquisitive mind and is open to looking at life from all different angles. In order to tackle the tough questions in life and make sense of the puzzle, you need to be open-minded and willing to look beyond the surface. In most cases, the difficult puzzles often have the simplest solutions. Whether you want to solve a fashion puzzle and improve your sense of style, or you just need a little reminder to be patient with the puzzling side of life, these Sterling Puzzle Pieces Cufflinks will do the trick. Designed CLM New York, you’ll love the intricate detail of the tiny puzzle pieces on a rounded onyx face. The Sterling Silver accent only adds to the elegance of the overall design. These truly are a beautiful pair of cufflinks … for a beautiful mind.