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Where is OWS today?

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011



What is the recent news for OWS?

From every conservative, large corporate angle, OWS protesters receive negative criticism. But that doesn’t mean they are going to stop any time soon. Fox 5, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and other conservative tycoons, uninformed as they may be, are chumming the movement up to a bunch of yuppie kids without a definitive cause. Maybe they failed to read all the detailed initiatives and collective ideas from the OWS website. Maybe they only follow their own news. Whatever the case, take a look at this protester’s surprisingly elegant response to a Fox 5 News reporter’s questions:

Today, November 3rd, 2011, The Port of Oakland was shut down by protesters, almost paralyzing the busy port with activity. All eyes have been on Oakland since the former US Marine was injured by the Oakland police during a protest.



The reports the following:

“Maritime area operations will resume when it is safe and secure to do so,” the port said in a statement. A port spokesman said officials hoped to reopen the facility on Thursday morning. Protesters, who streamed across an overpass to gather in front of the port gates, stood on top of tractor-trailers stopped in the middle of the street. Others climbed on to scaffolding over rail tracks as a band played a version of the Led Zeppelin song Whole Lotta Love, using amplifiers powered by stationary bike generators.

Occupy Oakland protesters effectively shut down the US's fifth busiest port during a day of protest in the city. Photograph: Kent Porter/AP

Occupy Oakland protesters effectively shut down the US’s fifth busiest port during a day of protest in the city. Photograph: Kent Porter/AP

“The reason I’m here is I’m sick and tired of trying to figure out where I should put my vote between the lesser of two evils,” student Sarah Daniel, 28, said at the port. The anti-Wall Street activists, who complain bitterly about a financial system they believe benefits mainly corporations and the wealthy, aim to disrupt commerce with a special focus on banks and other symbols of corporate America.

Oakland Raiders Cufflinks

Oakland Raiders Cufflinks

Protesters, prior to marching on the port, also blocked the downtown intersection of 14th street and Broadway, where ex-marine Scott Olsen was seriously wounded with a head injury during a clash with police on 25 October.”

TOMORROW IN NYC, Meeting at CUNY’s The Graduate Center at 34th and 5th ave for a general assembly. 6pm, November 4th on the 8th floor. This is in an effort to plan for the student week of actions Nov 14th-21st (, the city-wide day of actions on the 17th and the student mobilization around tuition hikes on the 21st. Every small organization counts! Let education be the first milestone.

Wall Street Cufflinks

Wall Street Cufflinks

Revolutionary Spirit

Friday, October 7th, 2011

Revolutionary Letter #1

I have just realized that the stakes are myself
I have no other
ransom money, nothing to break or barter but my life
my spirit measured out, in bits, spread over
the roulette table, I recoup what you can
nothing else to shove under the nose of the maitre de jeu
nothing to thrust out the window, no white flag
this flesh all I have to offer, to make the play with
this immediate head, what it comes up with, my move
as we slither over this go board, stepping always
(we hope) between the lines

-Diane di Prima

(excerpt from City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology, edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

Stephanie Keith/AP Photo Police arrest a protester on New York’s Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011, during a march by Occupy Wall Street. Photo by Stephanie Keith/AP photo



Occupy Wall Street Blog

“The protests have been mostly peaceful. That is, until Saturday, when 700 were arrested after a march on the Brooklyn Bridge spilled over from the pedestrian walkway onto the roadway, blocking traffic for several hours. Most of the demonstrators who were arrested were given a summonses and released.*”

An Occupy Wall Street protester with placard in Zuccotti Park, New York, 2 October 2011. Photograph: Andrew Holbrooke/Corbis




Occupy Wall Street protesters are now backed by powerful labor unions with hundreds of thousands of members and millions of dollars behind them. So much for that “nonsense” march, huh? Undoubtedly the Tea Party is cringing in the attention to the left-wing uprising, but the protest isn’t about segregation, even politically. It’s about uniting white, black, rich, poor…because everyone has financial inequality pressing down on them and we’ve all been “scammed.” “In fact, some tea party members have been down to Liberty Square to lend their support. Both groups are fed up with the status quo. Still, the protesters insist they are not all Democrats nor Republicans,” reports ABC news.



Are people now waking up from the American Dream, only to realize they’ve been lulled into exactly that: a complacent, quiet dream? People won’t be complacent anymore, they are standing up, banding together, and fighting with their presence. Turns out the young liberals have learned a thing or two from Egypt: stick together, use your voice, and protest the inequalities. And what better city in the USA to start such a revolution than New York City?



Following suit is Chicago, Illinois; Joplin, Missouri; Fargo, North Dakota; Allentown, Pennsylvania; and more. The revolutionary spirit is spreading like a wild fire around the country!


*Quote from ABC News

Big Bad Bank

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Before the veil of a “good” economy fell off onto an indecipherable puddle of lies and rubble, American’s had some faith left in big banks. After the Great Depression in the 20th century, we looked at implementations by the New Deal with a faint stare of hope, mixed with skepticism at the pseudo-socialist endeavors, but nevertheless, with hope.

Then the economy crashed and the rubble of lies unveiled itself as a grotesque beast threatening the welfare of millions of Americans. Well the whole country, actually. Well…the whole globe, to be frank. But let’s not get overly dramatic here, let’s start with the little things, or big ones: BANKS. Not only were the big bad banks bailed out with American tax payer’s money, but now they’re still crying a river...

The Atlantic Wire reports that “The Wall Street Journal found that 98 banks that had received bailout funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program are in danger of failing.” reports: “Last week, Bank of America shocked customers when it announced that it would begin charging $5 per month for using their (well, your) debit cards. The fee kicks in beginning 2012 and would apply to debit cards to make purchases but would not apply to ATM withdrawals (those are subject to other fees), online bill payments (also subject to other fees) or mobile phone transfers (may be subject to other fees).

Bank of America isn’t alone. Wells Fargo has made noise about a new $3 per month fee for debit card usage and J.P. Morgan Chase has signaled that they would impose a similar fee.” (ContributorKelly Phillips Erb, Contributor).

So after all of our loyalty, our bail-outs, our sympathetic but silently out-raged stares in the face of these money giants, they are asking for MORE money?? I’m sorry, but something is wrong here–definitely wrong. As a society we have moved away from the paper fixated world (this is apparent in the fad of e-books as well) and as soon as we are dependent upon “technology” for cash, we have to pay extra for it. We are forced to use our “debit” or “credit” cards for everything from making a plane reservation to ordering take-out food online. We have grown so accustomed to using plastic for everything that most Americans don’t even carry paper money around anymore.

So we gotten with the game, so to speak, used our plastics proudly, and now we’re being charged extra for it…they’re telling you “Take out all your cash once a month, to avoid an extra $5 fee.” or simply “Use your credit card and get charged the extra APR and fees that go along with it.” For all of you non-mathematicians out there, the $5 monthly debit fee adds up to $60 per year, just to use your plastic. Not cool man, not cool. (For those of you interested in boycotting said institutions, please refer to previous Occupy Wall Street blog.)

To make a very complicated sob story short, Bank of America and others, have got us by the Ball and Chain:

Ball And Chain Cufflinks

Ball And Chain Cufflinks