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Archive for the ‘Superhero Cufflinks’ Category

Daniel Craig: Man of Style

Sunday, December 8th, 2013

You may know him as the James Bond or the sultry husband of Rachel Weisz–and we know him as a fashion guru. Impressively masculine, charming, and stoic Daniel Craig embodies the image of style and male fashion. He doesn’t get caught up in silly trends, but sticks with the basics and always looks good while doing so.



Becoming a man of style here at Cufflinksman is no easy feat. Few men in modern media meet our standards, but Daniel Craig definitely has them. “Craig’s reserved demeanor and his avoidance of the showbiz-party-red-carpet milieu makes him a cool “007”. He is the first blonde actor to play Bond, and also the first to be born after the start of the film series, and also the first to be born after the death of author Ian Fleming in 1964.”(SOURCE: IMBD.COM)


Daniel Craig Classic

Even ASKMEN.COM takes notice of his stylish demeanor: “Look at Bond’s black-tie digs during the Craig era proves that point perfectly. Casino Royale featured what at first glance appears to be a traditional tux but in reality packs the punch for which Bond is known. The button is solo, the lapels are peak and the fit, of course, is glove-like. The shirt and tie likewise have a subtle surprise in store: The placket is hidden and topped off with a bow that could almost be considered Pee-wee-esque if it weren’t worn with a Walther P99. Bond wore it undone, so the practicality inherent to its slimness cannot be stressed enough. After all, who wants to have a bulky bow flailing in the wind? The same can be said about protecting that pricey stud set with the covered placket. As for the shoes, well, if you paid close attention, you’d know they weren’t patent. That would almost be too predictable. Rather, they’re simply high-shine oxfords that are far more versatile — that is, if John Lobb lace-ups for two Gs can be considered simple.


Why You Should Shop Online for Black Friday

Sunday, November 24th, 2013

1. Long lines

You know it’s love when…the line doesn’t just end at the “Enter here” sign–it extendes, or travels rather, past the entry sign, down the hall, through the Children’s department, passes a different register, and ends next to a drafty door with foreign tourists traipsing back and forth through the entryway. Love, right?


2. Heavy coats mixed with air conditioned, crowded rooms

Whilst one your way to the actual store, you’re bundled and cozy, warm and confident. Then you step into a department store sauna, and suddenly your forehead begins to perspire, your hands sweat, the silk blouse you’re wearing underneath saturates itself with your sweat, and then your great “Black Friday” hairdo gets dampened by the humid breath all around you.



3. Babies and bad mothers

You see a stroller with a baby. Two legs in one stroller hole, the child has a lump of dusty hair in one hand and a lollipop in another, whilst the wandering- sale- seeker- of- a negligent- mother combs through a clearance rack. The baby starts to cry. The mother doesn’t flinch and continues her combing.



4. Crappy music on the loud speakers

Because there’s only so many times you can hear jingle bells and not think of the lack of jingling dough in your wallet.

5. Traffic

Red light. Blue light. Green light. Middle finger. Grandma in Cadillac up ahead. Stopped to fix the lens on her scratched glasses. Yellow Light. Red Light. Blue sirens. Stop. Go. Stop.


6. Sales tax

A $160 item ends up becoming $200 somehow. What’re you guys just making up the sales tax now?

7. Bad customer service

“Hi, can you tell me the price of this?”
“Um, doesn’t it say??”
Look through the item over, turning it every which direction to find the price.
“Oh, yeah no it doesn’t. Can you price check it for me?”
Eye roll. Fifteen minutes later.
“We can’t sell it now, because it doesn’t have a price tag.”

Oh goodness…bejesus.



8. Gum chewing, eye rolling cashiers

Walk up to the register. No response to your human presence. Chatter with co-worker. Gum snapping.
“You have ______ credit card?”
“Oh, do you want one?”
“No, thanks.”
“Do you want _____ discount card?”
“No, thanks. Just these.”
“Well, if you ______, and then _____, you get ______.”
“No, really thank you. Just this.”
Resume chatter with co-worker disrespectfully. No response once you get your receipt and actually walk away.
“Um, have a good day?”


Advice Fit for the Classy Gentlemen

Monday, July 30th, 2012



Guest Speaker: Lady Speaks A lot

Some of our favorite CLM patrons have been writing to us asking about a list of “ core rules every gentleman should follow.” Is there anything that every cosmopolitan man should know? Has he been left in the dark about anything while the women of the world are conspiring against him? Any core list of rules that he may or may not be aware of, for which the universe cries, “contend to this!” So we thought we’d take a little break from fashion and the likes, just to bring it back to earth for you. Our guest speaker, Lady Speaks A lot, is a middle aged New Yorker living on the Upper East Side, bent on the following rules. Her motto? “The glass is always half spilled. Normally on my new white dress.” Favorite Motivational speaker? Nietzsche. You get the picture…

Advice Fit for the Classy Gentlemen

1. Always well dress up and wear some Superhero cufflink because women’s like superheros, and than  get up for a lady on a train/bus/any mass transit. If you are healthy and capable, it’s time to get up. Yes, you! Get UP!

Enamel Double Decker Bus CufflinksEnamel Double Decker Bus Cufflinks

2. Ask women out to dinner. Sound complicated, right? Men have been doing it for decades! No, we don’t want to watch a movie at home with you, or just “hang out,” or meet at your boys’ house, or get completely wasted together. How about start with a simple, nice…dinner.

Champagne CufflinksChampagne Cufflinks

3. Make a decision. Whether it’s to put $5 or $15 in the gas tank, cross on 92nd or 95th, Indian or Chinese, Black dress or green one, help us help you…make a decision. Please don’t have us stand there at the convenience store for fifteen minutes while you decide on which kind of gum you want…it’s embarrassing.

Poker Decisions CufflinksPoker Decisions Cufflinks

4. Never, ever, ask the bartender what you should be drinking for the evening. Just order. Vodka or rum. Beer or gin. If you can’t decide what to drink for the night, how can we trust you to decide on future house decorations and future children names?

5. Know the original authors of “misshapen forms of well-seeming chaos” and “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.” And here’s a hint: they’re not singers.

Homer Simpson: Not My Fault CufflinksHomer Simpson: Not My Fault Cufflinks

6. Know how your lady likes her coffee. Ask once. And remember it always. Don’t ask every time you get up to make her a pot.

7. Have a license. If a man can’t drive, well…a man can’t drive.*

8. Have at least one subscription to something. We don’t really know why this is important, but it is. Even if it’s Playboy, just order something read-able. Well, actually, no, Playboy isn’t acceptable either. Try the Economist or New York Times for starters.

9. Don’t drink out of a straw. Ever.

Mix Tape CufflinksMix Tape Cufflinks

10. Be Kind, Rewind. This also includes Netflix movies, Premium movies on Demand, etc. Because, sometimes you just have to rewind.

*Some of you at home may be wondering what’s the deal with number seven. It is actually quite a problem in some parts of the world…like New York.


Are you over or under parenting your child?

Friday, June 29th, 2012




Are you over or under parenting your child?


Personalized Children’s Art Keyring

There have been numerous reports throughout the past century regarding the proper parenting techniques. Is it possible to spoil an infant (under 1 yr.)? (The answer is a resounding no.) But what about when the child gets older…can you smother him/her with parental affection and attention? The answer is a resounding yes. has a new article discussing this issue. In a recent study, results have shown that fathers who don’t try to hard, end up being better parents. You know, the fathers that like to compete with each other, “Oh Tommy’s better at this…I take him here everyday…” Studies have shown that Little Tommy will grow up better with a less worried and stressed father, than an over-protective one trying to keep up with the Jones’ family.

Yellow Moto GP Racing Bike Cufflinks (Kid-Friendly!)Yellow Motor GP Racing Bike Cufflinks (Kid-Friendly!)

“Coping With New Parenthood”

“The latest research out of Ohio State University, which appears in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, suggests that parents who feel pressure to be perfect parents can work at cross purposes. Called the “New Parents Project,” this study is one part of a longitudinal look at how working parents cope with new parenthood. The researchers studied 182 couples who became parents between 2008 and 2010, and found that external pressure to be perfect parents affects parenting skills differently than self-directed, internal pressure to be a good parent.

The difference was most striking for fathers. If new fathers were particularly worried about living up to the social ideals of their peer group, they tended to do worse than fathers who put the pressure on themselves. Mothers, on the other hand, showed more parental stress no matter where the pressure came from. One other interesting note is that fathers who responded to self-directed, internal pressure and didn’t give a hoot about keeping up with the Joneses tended to be better fathers. The researchers added that they weren’t sure what the long-term effects on parenting this kind of internal pressure would have, but for newborns it can be a good thing”

Dennis the Menace Comic Strip CufflinksDennis the Menace Comic Strip Cufflinks

In a recent article published by Psych Central, By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor, Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on November 30, 2011:

“Parents of newborns show poorer adjustment to their new role if they believe society expects them to be “perfect” moms and dads, a new study shows.

While stress upsets each parent, stress influences each parent in different ways. Moms showed less confidence in their parenting abilities and dads felt more stress when they were more worried about what other people thought about their parenting skills.

garfield stamp cufflinksgarfield stamp cufflinks

However, self-imposed pressure to be perfect was somewhat better for parents, especially for fathers, according to the results.”

Nauert also claims that “Societal-oriented perfectionism is “being concerned about what other people think about your parenting,” Schoppe-Sullivan said. It was measured by asking people how much they agreed with statements like “Most people always expect me to always be an excellent parent.”

So next time you want to coddle your 12 year old son, think again fathers. The trick is to be stress-free, a mean between extremes, and always keep your cool.

Game of Thrones

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

The Game of Thrones has had a huge impact on modern programming over the past year. It seems like everyone is talking about the science fiction/fantasy/epic show on HBO and it just gets better every week. Right when you think you “know” a character, or fall in love just a little, they are stripped away from you, like in the case of Ned Stark. (Poor Ned). So as weekly, loyal fans, how can you show your support for Winterfell and King’s Landing? Maybe your loyalty lies with the Dothraki’s or perhaps Daenerys Targaryen herself (played by the stunning Emilia Clarke)…

Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of DragonsDaenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons


Red Dragon Head  Cufflinks Clip

Howling Wolf Cufflinks

And what about our beloved bastard, Jon Snow? Really, Dani and Jon should just get togetheracross the narrow sea and procreate already–they are positively too stunning to not. Alas, we’re following the season via HBO and haven’t read the novels, so please don’t spoil anything for us.

Jon Snow in Game of Thrones

Lithuanian Hand Painted Coin CufflinksLithuanian Hand Painted Coin Cufflinks

Do you support the Dragons? What will happen in the next episode? Will Dani marry that rich merchant or follow her adviser? What will become of the little Arya? Who will become king? The suspense is just too much. In the meantime, show your Game of Thrones pride by looking through our immense collection of cufflinks, featuring swords, dragons, magic, coins, and more…

Chinese Dragon Cufflinks

-[Chinese Dragon Cufflinks