5 Songs You Should Know for 2014 | Cufflinks Blog

5 Songs You Should Know for 2014

Radio: Lana Del Rey

Something about her Billie Holiday-esque voice brings you into her swirling world of underground NYC, drugs, feminine power, and sex. A-must-listen-to artist for 2014.

Ho Hey: The Lumineers

It’s a simple little hook with limited lyrics, but still manages to be infused with a sense of timeless debauchery and comraderie. A perfect drinking song, over an ice cold beer, a few buddies, and a few lovely ladies a few bar stools away.

Wagon Wheel: Old Crow Medicine Show

Put on your dancing shoes, grab the hand of the nearest lady, and do some swing dancing. The country-folk-remix of Bob Dylan’s song will get you in a happy-go-lucky mood, even if country music isn’t your thing. I consider it “country for the city” kind of music. I even want to know where this “land of the pines” is….a must hear country song for 2014.

Trifonic: Lies

Trippy, elegant, and ultra-modern, this relaxed jam is for wine nights, contemplation, and perfect for zoning out on the couch or in bed.

**Florence and the Machine: Never Let Me Go**
The hypnotic, pulsing ups and downs of her voice can literally carry you away. Her lyrics are thoughtful and complex, yet resonate a kind of simplicity. Her strong character vibrates through each note in all her songs, but specifically this one. A must hear song for 2014.

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