hunting season | Cufflinks Blog

Posts Tagged ‘hunting season’

What You Should and Shouldn’t Brag About to Women

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012




What You Should Never Brag About in Front of Women

Your hunting skills, i.e. how you shot down a deer from a 50 ft range, etc: The idea of dead animals just gives women the creeps and killing innocent little forest runners for the ‘sport’ of it is not only horrifying, but also a big turn off. Leave your ‘gun’ and ‘bambi’ conversation (and pictures!) at the door.

Deer Crossing Cufflinks

Deer Crossing Cufflinks

Your fighting skills: True, women love a protector in a partner, someone who will stick up for them in the face of danger, but that does not mean how many guys you’ve drunkenly battled with at bars, how many ‘asses’ you’ve kicked, and how great your upper cut is.

Notre Dame Fighting Leprechaun CufflinksNotre Dame Fighting Leprechaun Cufflinks

The size of your manhood: Because everyone knows it’s all about how you “carry” yourself, not how you talk about yourself. Don’t even TALK about it, just smirk and let them wonder.


What You Should Brag About in Front of Women

Your cooking skills: It diminishes the negative line of gender role exclusivity and shows that you are comfortable working in the kitchen. It also shows your love of sating/providing for others in new ways. Let’s face it, you don’t go out to hunt for food anymore (as a society, we’re passed that, at least in certain ways), so why not tackle that chicken in the kitchen, sauté it in your grandmother’s sauce, and don’t forget the garnishes.

Chefs Hat and Spoon CufflinksChefs Hat and Spoon Cufflinks

Your strong magic fingers (for massage purposes of course!): It will implant the idea of skin/touching/feeling in her mind, which inevitably leads to other strains of thought. Plus it’s always a ‘plus’ when you can administer a great massage with your strong hands.

Sterling Silver Peace Sign Hands CufflinksSterling Silver Peace Sign Hands Cufflinks

Your grandmother: It shows that you appreciate the women in your life and honor their presence, even if they are no longer around. It shows respect, reverence, and an ultra sweet side that women love to witness. Plus women get all warm inside when you discuss other your admiration for your old grannie, and for bonus points, how much you love your precious little niece can also be thrown into the mix.


The Way of The Rustic Boot

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

You are what you wear. Or at least what you put on your feet. Not long ago, an individuals’ livelihood was directly dependent upon keeping their body safe from nature’s harsh elements. A good pair of shoes to ‘weather the storm’ was a necessity for survival and unsurprisingly, it still is. This season the  rustic, rugged, yet modernized hiking boot is back. Here are a few examples of the hottest trends for your toes this season:

1. Otadan boot from Aldo shoe stores. Actually, they have an entire line of casual boots that pair wonderfully with jeans, dress slacks, and even hiking gear. They won’t positively break the bank either, starting at around $150.

OTADAN, Casual Boot from Aldo. $150

OTADAN, Casual Boot from Aldo. $150,

Pair this suave, rugged boot with a symbolic adornment from nature. You can take the great outdoors with you to that business meeting or unwanted weekend shopping trip with the wife. If you can’t have a fishing pole, a six pack, and a bon fire on a fall evening, you might as well take the woods with you:



2. Next up we have possibly the best boots made in America: LL. Bean ‘s Beanboot with Thinsulate. The great thing about this type of boot is not only is it completely functional and stylish, but it is also hand-made in Maine. The can take a heavy mud beating, get rained on, and scrapped by unforgiving pavement, but they still protect your feet. You can also get them insulated with sheep’s fur for a slightly higher price. The BEST part is…wait for it…if at any time, with or without a receipt, you wish to exchange your boot for another pair, you can! No extra cost, no hassle, just simple quick exchange. And no, we do not work for LL bean….

Bean Boots by L.L.Bean®, 8" Thinsulate

Bean Boots by L.L.Bean®, 8″ Thinsulate

Isn’t hunting season coming up? Pair these ultra hip boots with a pair of hand-painted cufflinks from the famous Pierce and Hobbs:



3. Last we have the classic Timberland boot with a twist. Not too street, yet not too rustic, this Timberland boot is a great spin on a classic look. The brown coloring will look great with just about any of this season’s sweater colors: grey, mustard, navy blue, and hunter green.

Men's Earthkeepers® Original Leather 6-Inch Boot  $180.00

Men’s Earthkeepers® Original Leather 6-Inch Boot $180.00

Dress up or down, or even pair this boot with a Pierce and Hobbs hand painted boxer dog cufflink this season.



For more saving tips, style trends, and in-the-know facts, stay tuned to CLM.