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Posts Tagged ‘Pierce and Hobbs cufflinks’

U.S. Lands on Mars

Monday, August 6th, 2012



And so…we landed on Mars!

No, this isn’t the beginnings of a Ron Hubbard novel, but actual real life. At approximately 1:31am, last night, or morning rather, Curiosity landed on Mars. And there was no cat to kill it either.

First Image of Mars (on Mars) Provided by NASAFirst Image of Mars from Curiosity, Provided by NASA

Fox News reports, “Through the chute, a unique robot arm and a rocket-powered hood, the rover slowed until it drifted to a stop on Mars, to cheers and applause from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory late Sunday.

“Touchdown confirmed,” engineer Allen Chen said. “We’re safe on Mars.

Minutes after the landing signal reached Earth at 10:32 p.m. PDT, Curiosity beamed back the first black-and-white pictures from inside the crater showing its wheel and its shadow, cast by the afternoon sun.

Engineering Set Square and Protractor CufflinksEngineering Set Square and Protractor Cufflinks

“We landed in a nice flat spot. Beautiful, really beautiful,” said engineer Adam Steltzner, who led the team that devised the tricky landing routine. The rover then released a slightly higher resolution pair of pictures.”

And from the NASA website, “NASA Lands Car-Size Rover Beside Martian Mountain

PASADENA, Calif. — NASA’s most advanced Mars rover Curiosity has landed on the Red Planet. The one-ton rover, hanging by ropes from a rocket backpack, touched down onto Mars Sunday to end a 36-week flight and begin a two-year investigation.

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) spacecraft that carried Curiosity succeeded in every step of the most complex landing ever attempted on Mars, including the final severing of the bridle cords and flyaway maneuver of the rocket backpack.

“Today, the wheels of Curiosity have begun to blaze the trail for human footprints on Mars. Curiosity, the most sophisticated rover ever built, is now on the surface of the Red Planet, where it will seek to answer age-old questions about whether life ever existed on Mars — or if the planet can sustain life in the future,” said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. “This is an amazing achievement, made possible by a team of scientists and engineers from around the world and led by the extraordinary men and women of NASA and our Jet Propulsion Laboratory. President Obama has laid out a bold vision for sending humans to Mars in the mid-2030’s, and today’s landing marks a significant step toward achieving this goal.”

Martian's Landing, Antiqued CufflinksMartian’s Landing, Antiqued Cufflinks

Just wait until the dust settles…

Curiosity landed at 10:32 p.m. PDT Aug. 5, (1:32 a.m. EDT Aug. 6) near the foot of a mountain three miles tall and 96 miles in diameter inside Gale Crater. During a nearly two-year prime mission, the rover will investigate whether the region ever offered conditions favorable for microbial life.

Star Trek Cufflinks

Isn’t your inner Trekkie so excited??

FYI: “As planned, the rover’s early engineering images are lower resolution. Larger color images from other cameras are expected later in the week when the rover’s mast, carrying high-resolution cameras, is deployed. “

Post-Christmas Style Trends

Monday, December 26th, 2011

Vintage Cord Boot Cut Pants from JCrew, Why we love them: they’re ultra stylish for the winter, much better quality than plain khakis, better and more suitable alternative to jeans, relatively inexpensive, and look good with literally any shirt and cufflink.

JCrew Vintage Cords, $59JCrew Vintage Cords, $59

From JCrew: “Introducing our best cords ever. The design was inspired by vintage American 5-pocket cords; the new sulphur-dye and vintage-wash process is all ours. We gave them an authentic jean look and feel with handsanding on the thighs, knees and seat, with additional grinding along the waistband, pockets and hem. Cotton. Zip fly. Traditional 5-pocket styling with reinforced back pockets. Import. Machine wash. Catalog/jcrew.com only.”

Add some Eastern Zen and elegance to these old fashioned cords with these mystical Rudrakska Seed Cufflinks. Remember, these sacred seeds are take from the type of tree Buddha sat under when he gained enlightenment.

Sterling Silver Checker Board Cufflinks

Sterling Silver Checker Board Cufflinks


Sorel Black Snow Boot

GQ Says: “Sorel boots have been around for ages and everyone clomps around in them in the slush. They’re typically fur-lined, brown, and extremely utilitarian. But when I saw them in all-black and lined in plaid, I thought, That’s the stealth boot of the season. I’m not advocating walking around the office in them in a suit, but I think we all need a bit of style when it’s raining. Even when boots are in style, they can look strictly weekend. But these are chic and simple.”

Sorel Black Snow BootSorel Black Snow Boot

Pair these sleek winter snow boots with Hand Painted Dalmatian Cufflinks like these from designer Pierce and Hobbs

Sculpted Beagle Pup Cufflinks

Sculpted Beagle Pup Cufflinks

Style we Love: Colored Sweaters that POP. After experiencing an endless cycle of Christmas lights, we are still attuned to seeing bright colors. But unfortunately after the Tree comes down and the house lights get packed back away, we don’t see much color for the rest of the winter season. Try this: An everlasting style updated in new colors. Made from supersoft, luxurious Italian cashmere in a 12-gauge knit from a world-famous mill. V-neck. Other colors like aqua and purple available form Jcrew.com

Cashmere V-neck sweaterCashmere V-Neck Sweater from JCrew

New Plaid Flannel Sweaters from Uniqlo: They are ultra comfy, trendy, and affordable! PLus they’ll probably be on sale after Christmas. Why we love Uniqlo’s flannel? Because there’s simply so many styles to choose from! Literally, they about 20 colors, all of which will match your wardrobe perfectly for the post-holiday season.

Enamel Race Horse Cufflinks

Enamel Race Horse Cufflinks

Pair these stylish sets of plaid shirts from Uniqlo with a rugged pair of cufflinks, like these Hand Painted Horse Cufflinks

Uniqlo Plaid Flannel Shirts, $19-$29Uniqlo Plaid Flannel Shirts, $19-$29

And don’t be afraid to exchange those unwanted Christmas gifts. Yes, it’s the thought that counts, but some things you just will not use. So use that extra cash or exchange to buy some new post-holiday cufflinks to pair with any one of these latest fashion trends for men. Here’s to 2012!! Stay Stylish Friends.

The Way of The Rustic Boot

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

You are what you wear. Or at least what you put on your feet. Not long ago, an individuals’ livelihood was directly dependent upon keeping their body safe from nature’s harsh elements. A good pair of shoes to ‘weather the storm’ was a necessity for survival and unsurprisingly, it still is. This season the  rustic, rugged, yet modernized hiking boot is back. Here are a few examples of the hottest trends for your toes this season:

1. Otadan boot from Aldo shoe stores. Actually, they have an entire line of casual boots that pair wonderfully with jeans, dress slacks, and even hiking gear. They won’t positively break the bank either, starting at around $150.

OTADAN, Casual Boot from Aldo. $150

OTADAN, Casual Boot from Aldo. $150, www.aldoshoes.com

Pair this suave, rugged boot with a symbolic adornment from nature. You can take the great outdoors with you to that business meeting or unwanted weekend shopping trip with the wife. If you can’t have a fishing pole, a six pack, and a bon fire on a fall evening, you might as well take the woods with you:



2. Next up we have possibly the best boots made in America: LL. Bean ‘s Beanboot with Thinsulate. The great thing about this type of boot is not only is it completely functional and stylish, but it is also hand-made in Maine. The can take a heavy mud beating, get rained on, and scrapped by unforgiving pavement, but they still protect your feet. You can also get them insulated with sheep’s fur for a slightly higher price. The BEST part is…wait for it…if at any time, with or without a receipt, you wish to exchange your boot for another pair, you can! No extra cost, no hassle, just simple quick exchange. And no, we do not work for LL bean….

Bean Boots by L.L.Bean®, 8" Thinsulate

Bean Boots by L.L.Bean®, 8″ Thinsulate

Isn’t hunting season coming up? Pair these ultra hip boots with a pair of hand-painted cufflinks from the famous Pierce and Hobbs:



3. Last we have the classic Timberland boot with a twist. Not too street, yet not too rustic, this Timberland boot is a great spin on a classic look. The brown coloring will look great with just about any of this season’s sweater colors: grey, mustard, navy blue, and hunter green.

Men's Earthkeepers® Original Leather 6-Inch Boot  $180.00

Men’s Earthkeepers® Original Leather 6-Inch Boot $180.00

Dress up or down, or even pair this boot with a Pierce and Hobbs hand painted boxer dog cufflink this season.



For more saving tips, style trends, and in-the-know facts, stay tuned to CLM.