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Seven Holiday Gifts for Dad

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011



I’m thinking of something….

1. Heartfelt Card
There’s nothing like an honest heartfelt card around the holidays. Just make sure it’s not too honest—you don’t want to go bringing up old tiffs and trysts with Papa Bear now. Tell him how much you appreciate him, how invaluable he is, and include a little personal memory that only you would remember.

…..Pocket Sized
2. Swiss Army Knife
Every man can use a new pocket knife. Think of the one dad already owns? Crusty old thing. Throw it out! Get him a new one! Of course one of the most trusted brands is The Swiss Army Knife and even comes with the little plastic toothpick for those unsightly “gum food”. Get the guy something handy.

Wenger Evowood 11, $59Swiss Army Wenger Evowood, $59

2. Cufflinks
Think about it—it’s quite simply a no brainer. He can wear them to work, golfing, formal dinners, meetings, at your child’s christening and graduation…they will come in handy very soon. We have a range of moderately priced cufflinks to fit your budget and Dad’s style (or lack there of) and we have a cufflink set for literally every Dad personality out there. Choose from Homer Simpson Cufflinks, Navy Cufflinks, or Hand Painted Animal Cufflinks

Navy Cufflinks, $49Navy Cufflinks, $49



King Charles Spaniel Cufflinks

3. Tie
Duh. Every year. He needs another tie.

Black Super Stripe Silk TieBlack Super Stripe Silk Tie

…Handy Dandy
4. New Tool
Right before the holidays, tool kits and individual tools normally go on sale. Keep an eye out on the Sunday ads, online sales, free shipping deals, etc. A simple drill, or 10-in-1 kind of tool is always good.

Craftsman Evolv Evolv 18.0 volt Drill/Driver 11383, $39 at SearsCraftsman Evolv Evolv 18.0 volt Drill/Driver 11383, $39 at Sears


….Appealing to the Male Ego’s love of sound and projection
6. Surround Sound System for Home
Let’s face it—dad’s hearing is going a little haywire these days. (Think: “What? What?? What?? I can’t hear you! Turn up the TV!). Yes, his ears are going bad. But don’t worry! He can still enjoy his Monday night football and episodes of David Letterman with a surround sound system. And he doesn’t need to have a giant plasma fancy pants TV to go with it, you can simply use it with almost any set you already own. (Not sure about the rabbit ear kind of TV though…)

7. Tickets to a sports game in the New Year
What’s his favorite? Baseball? Soccer? Hockey? Pre-pay for tickets or give him an IOU for his favorite team’s sporting event.

Manchester United Football Club Cufflinks

Manchester United Football Club Cufflinks

American Horror Story Has America Hooked

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

The psycho-sexual thriller American Horror Story, which premiered this season, has everyone absolutely hooked on Wednesday nights. If you’re not one of them, you will be! The show quite brilliantly synthesizes a little bit of everything that appeals to the modern late night American TV viewer: sex and beautiful women, house terror, thrills and suspense, infidelity, ghosts, murder (and more murder), myth making, suburban towns, curses, teenage angst, suicide, psychiatrists gone mad, doctor’s wives going mad, drugs, and we’re still counting.

The Harmons, American Horror Story

, American Horror Story

American Horror Story revolves around the Harmons, a family of three who moved from Boston to Los Angeles as a means to reconcile past anguish. The creators have Nip/Tuck and Glee have their paws in the creation of this intense new series.
American Horror Story Movie Trailer Official HD by dm_5017cefc6f801
Who is the guy in black latex? What’s up with that neighbor or shape shifting/sex crazed maid? What will psycho ex-girlfriend college student dead girl do next? These are the questions that probe all of us watching! Yes, some have been answered, but every week it leaves us wanting more. And for those of you watching, all I can say is, the brain thing?? Whoa.

Gunmetal 1911 Colt Gun Cufflinks
Gunmetal 1911 Colt Gun Cufflinks

One obvious thing about the show is the acting is superb. A fresh breath of air for all the over-saturated, under budgeted TV shows out there. Jessica Lange‘s character Constance is chilling, elegant, and completely embodies a deeply troubled Southern mother. Her performance is near perfect in every scene.POPPED SQUARED CUFFLINKS

Popped squared Cufflinks

Make it an American Horror Story Night with these Popcorn Cufflinks

Frances Conroy who plays the tantalizing maid Moira, was last seen in Six Feet Under, and her traditional soft-spoken, domestic character comes full circle with creepy and haunting consequences. And surprisingly, newcomer to Hollywood Taissa Farmiga, who plays the angst-y independent teenager, is another brilliant feat to the show: her performance speaks volumes for the disembodied youth of America.

Ed Hardy, Love Kills Slowly Cufflinks
Ed Hardy, Love Kills Slowly Cufflinks

So go ahead, turn off the house lights tomorrow (Wednesday at 10pm), sink into your cozy chair, and indulge in this season’s hottest show.

Freedom of Speech Being Thwarted?

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011



In light of this week’s Occupy events, one has to ask: are our constitutional rights being thwarted? The student demonstrations, ranging on the continent from California to New York City, have ended with painful consequences. The mainstream media does not fully report on the events, and understandably so when one considers who pays them.

Tip The Bullet CufflinksTip The Bullet Cufflinks


Here is a Press Release from CUNY students: November 21, 2011
WE CONDEMN the use of police violence against CUNY community members who were protesting peacefully at the public Board of Trustees Public and Budget Hearing at Baruch College on November 21, 2011. We also reject the official statement1 released by the administration of the City University of New York regarding those events.

Police detained and expelled dozens of people… by tvnportal

STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF peacefully entered the Baruch lobby to attend the public meeting of the Board of Trustees and were immediately met by a line of police carrying large wooden truncheons and blocking access to the building. Students who were on the official roster of speakers were also denied access. At no time did the students, faculty, and staff attempt to push past the massed police officers, nor to confront them physically in any way. The police directed us to the first-floor overflow room where the meeting would be televised live. Knowing that our voices would not be heard in the broadcast room, we decided that we would hold an assembly in the lobby and allow people to tell their stories and testimonies of experiences as students at CUNY. Most of us sat down on the ground so that speakers
could stand and be heard.

Panic Button Cufflinks

Panic Button Cufflinks

The police attacked us shortly after we sat down and began pushing us toward the wall, responding to our peaceful, lawful protest with physical confrontation. The suggestion provided in the CUNY administration’s statement that anyone “surged forward toward the college’s identification turnstiles, where they were met by CUNY Public Safety officers and Baruch College officials” is a categorical lie, and this is documented in video footage of the events (see below). As the officers continued to push us away from the public meeting, they blocked all exits from the lobby but a single, revolving door, through which we were forced to walk one at a time. Many of the peaceful protesters were shoved violently by the campus police, jabbed and struck in their ribs with wooden truncheons, and left badly bruised. At least one student was struck in the face. It was a miracle that no one was more seriously injured. Those who refused to leave were told that they would be arrested; when one person identified himself to officers as a CUNY faculty member and asked on what charge he would be arrested, he was not given an answer. Another officer blurted, “Because it’s a riot!”

Handcuff Cufflinks

Handcuff Cufflinks

For more information, and for video footage of the events of 11/21/2011, please visit: and

Barcode Cufflinks

Barcode Cufflinks

Professional Staff Congress (PSC) President Barbara Bowen called for an investigation of police response to non-violent student protest at last night’s Borough Hearing at Baruch College:

“The City University has a proud history of student activism and protest. Some of its most important advances have occurred because of collective action by students, faculty and staff. We have made it clear to the university that violent response to non-violent students protest is not acceptable. Students, faculty and staff must be allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights of free speech and free assembly. We call on the university to conduct a full investigation of the police conduct last night. The results of the investigation should be immediately made public.”

On the other side of the country, at University of California, unarmed and seated students were pepper sprayed in the face, resulting in the University’s Chancellor Katehi to cite the events as appalling.

She is quoted by The Guardian here: “I am deeply saddened that this happened on our campus, and as chancellor, I take full responsibility for the incident,” Katehi said on Sunday. “However, I pledge to take the actions needed to ensure that this does not happen again. I feel very sorry for the harm our students were subjected to and I vow to work tirelessly to make the campus a more welcoming and safe place.”

University of California system chief Mark Yudof said free speech 'is a value we must protect with vigilance'. Photograph: Wayne Tilcock/AP

University of California system chief Mark Yudof said free speech ‘is a value we must protect with vigilance’. Photograph: Wayne Tilcock/AP

President of Trinity Washington University, Patricia McGuire, said in the Huffington Post:

“Disgust became horror when I realized that the image was domestic, and not in Zuccotti Park but on a university campus. The riot-geared police were university employees, people paid to protect students in order to advance the educational mission of the university. They wielded those pepper spray cans with the confidence of pest control workers applying Raid to roaches.

Sterling Scales of Justice Cufflinks

Sterling Scales of Justice Cufflinks

Too many baby boomers today forget our heritage in the counterculture. Boomers proudly headed south in the early 1960s to lock arms for civil rights in Birmingham and Montgomery, risking the fire hoses of police hell-bent on stomping out the rising tide of protests. Later in that tumultuous decade, boomers waged sit-ins (the original “occupy” demonstrations) in their college presidents’ offices to demand justice for the poor and oppressed. We inhaled tear gas while marching by the hundreds of thousands on Pennsylvania Avenue to demand an end to the Vietnam War.”

Sterling SIlver Symbol of Peace

Sterling SIlver Symbol of Peace

What about Peaceful Protest?

Both groups of East and West Students are asking their Chancellors to resign. This request stems from a request to instate a more democratic administrative system.

Celebrating Veterans Day

Friday, November 11th, 2011



All around the United States today, celebrations will take place honoring those who have served our country in the armed forces. “Britain, France, Australia and Canada also commemorate the veterans of World Wars I and II on or near November 11th: Canada has Remembrance Day, while Britain has Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday of November). In Europe, Britain and the Commonwealth countries it is common to observe two minutes of silence at 11 a.m. every November 11.” (from the HIstory Channel) Some recognitions will be solemn, memorializing brave soldiers lost in battle, and others will be celebratory. Either way, today’s the day to say “Thank You” to our veterans and remember those who have gone before us.

Star and Stripes Commemorative Medallion Hand Painted Coin Money Clip

Star and Stripes Commemorative Medallion Hand Painted Coin Money Clip


What do Michele Obama and Dr. JIll Biden have to say about their children joining the armed forces?

*Source: 2010 American Community Survey, Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, as found on the Christian Science Moniter

*1. Vietnam War
Vietnam War(1964-75): Many of the 8.8 million who served in uniform were draftees; 7.6 million are alive today.

Air Force Commemorative Medallion Hand Painted Coin Money Clip

Air Force Commemorative Medallion Hand Painted Coin Money Clip

*2. Korean War
Korean War(1950-53): Often called “the forgotten war,” it finally had a memorial dedicated to it in Washington in 1995. Of the 5.7 million Americans who served, 2.7 million survive.

United States Navy Cufflinks

United States Navy Cufflinks

*3. Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm(1990-91): America’s first encounter with Iraq’s Saddam Hussein involved 2.3 million military personnel, of whom 2.2 million are still present.


*4. World War II
World War II(1941-45): America’s most massive mobilization involved 16 million men and women, of whom 2.1 million are still alive.

“American effort during World War II (1941-1945) saw the greatest mobilization of the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force in the nation’s history (more than 16 million people); some 5.7 million more served in the Korean War (1950 to 1953). In 1954, after lobbying efforts by veterans’ service organizations, the 83rd U.S. Congress amended the 1938 act that had made Armistice Day a holiday, striking the word “Armistice” in favor of “Veterans.” President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the legislation on June 1, 1954. From then on, November 11 became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.”- History Channel

Army Cufflinks

Army Cufflinks

*5. Global War on Terror
Global War on Terror(2001- ): Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have involved 1.4 million military personnel.

And what will President Obama being doing on this commemorative holiday? The Huffington News reports:

“The president is hosting a veterans breakfast Friday at the White House, then laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns before speaking at a Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Soon after, Obama flies to California to take part in the first-ever Carrier Classic, basketball game between Michigan State and No. 1 North Carolina aboard the USS Carl Vinson.

The Veterans Day observances come a day after the Senate approved Obama’s call for a tax credit for those who hire jobless veterans. In a written statement, he said the vote is a fitting way to help honor those who’ve served their country.”


Revolutionary Spirit

Friday, October 7th, 2011

Revolutionary Letter #1

I have just realized that the stakes are myself
I have no other
ransom money, nothing to break or barter but my life
my spirit measured out, in bits, spread over
the roulette table, I recoup what you can
nothing else to shove under the nose of the maitre de jeu
nothing to thrust out the window, no white flag
this flesh all I have to offer, to make the play with
this immediate head, what it comes up with, my move
as we slither over this go board, stepping always
(we hope) between the lines

-Diane di Prima

(excerpt from City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology, edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

Stephanie Keith/AP Photo Police arrest a protester on New York’s Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011, during a march by Occupy Wall Street. Photo by Stephanie Keith/AP photo



Occupy Wall Street Blog

“The protests have been mostly peaceful. That is, until Saturday, when 700 were arrested after a march on the Brooklyn Bridge spilled over from the pedestrian walkway onto the roadway, blocking traffic for several hours. Most of the demonstrators who were arrested were given a summonses and released.*”

An Occupy Wall Street protester with placard in Zuccotti Park, New York, 2 October 2011. Photograph: Andrew Holbrooke/Corbis




Occupy Wall Street protesters are now backed by powerful labor unions with hundreds of thousands of members and millions of dollars behind them. So much for that “nonsense” march, huh? Undoubtedly the Tea Party is cringing in the attention to the left-wing uprising, but the protest isn’t about segregation, even politically. It’s about uniting white, black, rich, poor…because everyone has financial inequality pressing down on them and we’ve all been “scammed.” “In fact, some tea party members have been down to Liberty Square to lend their support. Both groups are fed up with the status quo. Still, the protesters insist they are not all Democrats nor Republicans,” reports ABC news.



Are people now waking up from the American Dream, only to realize they’ve been lulled into exactly that: a complacent, quiet dream? People won’t be complacent anymore, they are standing up, banding together, and fighting with their presence. Turns out the young liberals have learned a thing or two from Egypt: stick together, use your voice, and protest the inequalities. And what better city in the USA to start such a revolution than New York City?



Following suit is Chicago, Illinois; Joplin, Missouri; Fargo, North Dakota; Allentown, Pennsylvania; and more. The revolutionary spirit is spreading like a wild fire around the country!


*Quote from ABC News