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The Lessons Adults Can Learn from Five Children’s Movies

Friday, September 7th, 2012



The Lessons Adults Can Learn from Five Children’s Movies


Finding Nemo. The ties between family transcend our own fears and love is superior to life’s challenges. A disability is just that, a disability, but one can always make up for it, and use it to his/her advantage. Plus, once in a while, you’ll run into a Gill figure in your life that will propel you to act out of your comfort zone and encourage you to adventure. Who is your Gill? Who is your Dory?

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The Goonies. Outsiders can be cool too, perhaps even cooler than the “cool guys.” The sense of community, adventure, and general commradery in this film is a great lesson for all you jaded adults out there. “Down here it’s out time!” Mikey professes while in the wishing well. Chunk and the Giant dude show us unconditional love and that spirit transcends appearance. Plus you know when you were little you had a crush on Andie…

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A Wrinkle in Time. Makes a practical use of the theory of entanglement, teleportation, and basic quantum physics through the guise of a child’s adventure story. Get yo science learn on.

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Escape to Witch Mountain. Deals with the telepathy of twins, adventures on a mountain, conceptions of seclusion and yea…fun-ness.

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Lion King. The prophetic, life altering statement: Hakuna Matata. Concept of family rivalry, childhood love and honor, guilt and shame that would put Woody Allen to rest, and the necessity of an inter-cultural community.


Tangled. What you’ll learn: Your parents aren’t always right. Sometimes they are very wrong. Adult vindication, finally! Hair= power. Men should need to climb, etc.

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Everything You Need to Know You Learned in Kindergarten

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

All You Ever Needed to Know You Learned in Kindergarten

Take Naps:

Oh yes, the dreaded/wonderful naptime. When you were five it was a horrid experience, now what you wouldn’t give for those blessed 20 minutes…And actually 20 minutes is all you need. Psychological studies show that the human brain only needs about 20 minutes of naptime (and no more!!) to stay energized throughout the day. Why 20 minutes? Because your brain doesn’t have a chance to fall into REM sleep, yet can get the needed, rejuvanating rest it needs until it’s officially bedtime.

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Say Please and Thank You:

Manners go a long way in this world and it’s not up to the South to keep these formalities alive. Getting change from the cashier? Say thank you. Preface every request via speech or email with “please.” Formally end your letters, unless it’s a long series of correspondence.

Eat Little Means (Snack time):

Not only will this keep you satisfied all day, but ti’ll also help maintain your weight. When you don’t snack throughout the day, you tend to eat more (overeat) during your regular meals, causing weight gain and water retention. Also, snacking helps even out your blood sugar and helps battle fatigue, restlessness, and irritability.

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Practice Your Penmanship:

Both your wife and boss can’t stand to read your illegible writing, so it’s time to go back to the drawing…err writing board. Unless you’re a doctor and are scribbling prescriptions all day or have a Master’s in Chicken Scratch, most people should be able to read your writing effortlessly. Get back to the tracing board.

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You learn that everything has a place…or at least should have a place. Everything can and should fit into your little cubby space, which is translated into grown-up terms like house, apartment, car, work space, etc. Try to get organized by creatively using shelves, folders, compartmental shelving units, minitature cubby holes at your desk/in your bathroom/kitchen and most importantly, your bedroom. Keep loose change in a jar, pens wrapped in rubber bands, and occasionally sing the Barney “clean-up song” weekly for a refined, mature sense of clean.

Build Blocks:

You learn how to build things and knock them down when necessary. Build your blocks of life, but don’t believe that will last forever–there’s always a time for them to come down. Just like there’s no concrete cement into between your legos (and the Washington Monument), there’s rarely cement to hold parts of your life together. It’s okay if it all falls down.