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How to LIVE on $20 A Day

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012



So it’s already Tuesday and you suddenly realize that you have…$40 to your name. How can you go out, enjoy yourself for a whole day, whilst only using $20? (The other $20 will be used “in case of emergency” kind of thing, because, responsible people do those kinds of things).

How to Live on $20 a Day

                     What you’ll need:

One bag

An Open Mind

And of course, $20


      Lunch specials are your friend. You know how you go to get sushi after 5pm and the hand rolls double in price? What about Thai food, like your favorite Pad Thai, goes from $7 at lunch time to $14.50 in the evening? Well guess what? It’s the same food. So take advantage of the “lunch time specials,” where you can get your favorite meal for under $10 usually. Favorite Lunch Meal: $7 (average) plus $3 tip= $10

Starry Night, Van Gogh CufflinksStarry Night, Van Gogh Cufflinks

Trip to the Metropolitian Museum of Art. Did you know there are centuries of art stored in this one musueum? Go! Take advantage! Wonder around for at least two hours, sit in front of at least ONE painting for at least FIVE minutes, meditate, and do not talk to anyone. You’re here for your “almost” free art and you need to get your $1 worth. Price based on Donations and today you’re really broke, so: $1


Two Cups of Coffee, one by yourself and then another with a friend. The good thing about Starbucks, other than their supposed humane ways of harvesting coffee, is that you can get a refill for only .50 cents. So that means get a Tall Coffee for $2.01, drink it alone while surfing the web/working/reading casually/soaking in surroundings/eavesdropping on conversations/ogling the barista/whatever you do when you drink your coffee kind of thing…and then keep the cup. Put it in your bag if you have to! Then after your trip to the museum, invite a friend for some more joe, and sit and chat out your experience of the art. Total Cost for Two Cups of Coffee: $2.51

Coffee Cup CufflinksCoffee Cup Cufflinks

Thrift Store Diving.The catch is, you can only spend $5. This can be used on old records, a thermos, a new backpack, three orange tee shirts, and more. Think creatively–how far can you stretch your $5? Total Cost for Something Unique/Strange/Wonderful: $5.

Watch an outdoor game. Look up on your trusty iphone any local games in your area. Even if they’re little league kind of games, go to the bleachers and root for your favorite color! (Will it be the purple team or the yellow?). No, we’re not saying be that creepy guy in the stands watching 5-year-olds play tee ball, but find a high school game somewhere, an advanced baseball league for teens, and watch them show you up with their stellar curve ball. Free Outdoor Game: $0 (Free!)

Authentic Fenway Park Stamp CufflinksAuthentic Fenway Park Stamp Cufflinks

After you’ve been watching people younger than you own the court/field/park, maybe it’s time to do some exercise of your own. After all, you have had two cups of coffee…so you’re kind of pumped, right? Good. Now get to your nearest park with a view and do something creatively fun that you’ve never done before. This could be mixed martial arts, yoga, running (!), jogging, total body workouts in the grass…but make sure you get a bottle of water while you’re there. We don’t want you passing out from dehydration now. Exercise in the Park + Bottle of Water+ a post-work out hot dog with sauerkraut: $3.50

Enamel Hotdog CufflinksEnamel Hotdog Cufflinks

Okay, so if you have any sense in math, you’ll realize we’ve gone over budget by $2. Oh well! Eliminate the hotdog if you want, but we promise you’ll have a complete, pre-fall “self indulgent” day for only $20.