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Posts Tagged ‘sign cufflinks’

How to LIVE on $20 A Day

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012



So it’s already Tuesday and you suddenly realize that you have…$40 to your name. How can you go out, enjoy yourself for a whole day, whilst only using $20? (The other $20 will be used “in case of emergency” kind of thing, because, responsible people do those kinds of things).

How to Live on $20 a Day

                     What you’ll need:

One bag

An Open Mind

And of course, $20


      Lunch specials are your friend. You know how you go to get sushi after 5pm and the hand rolls double in price? What about Thai food, like your favorite Pad Thai, goes from $7 at lunch time to $14.50 in the evening? Well guess what? It’s the same food. So take advantage of the “lunch time specials,” where you can get your favorite meal for under $10 usually. Favorite Lunch Meal: $7 (average) plus $3 tip= $10

Starry Night, Van Gogh CufflinksStarry Night, Van Gogh Cufflinks

Trip to the Metropolitian Museum of Art. Did you know there are centuries of art stored in this one musueum? Go! Take advantage! Wonder around for at least two hours, sit in front of at least ONE painting for at least FIVE minutes, meditate, and do not talk to anyone. You’re here for your “almost” free art and you need to get your $1 worth. Price based on Donations and today you’re really broke, so: $1


Two Cups of Coffee, one by yourself and then another with a friend. The good thing about Starbucks, other than their supposed humane ways of harvesting coffee, is that you can get a refill for only .50 cents. So that means get a Tall Coffee for $2.01, drink it alone while surfing the web/working/reading casually/soaking in surroundings/eavesdropping on conversations/ogling the barista/whatever you do when you drink your coffee kind of thing…and then keep the cup. Put it in your bag if you have to! Then after your trip to the museum, invite a friend for some more joe, and sit and chat out your experience of the art. Total Cost for Two Cups of Coffee: $2.51

Coffee Cup CufflinksCoffee Cup Cufflinks

Thrift Store Diving.The catch is, you can only spend $5. This can be used on old records, a thermos, a new backpack, three orange tee shirts, and more. Think creatively–how far can you stretch your $5? Total Cost for Something Unique/Strange/Wonderful: $5.

Watch an outdoor game. Look up on your trusty iphone any local games in your area. Even if they’re little league kind of games, go to the bleachers and root for your favorite color! (Will it be the purple team or the yellow?). No, we’re not saying be that creepy guy in the stands watching 5-year-olds play tee ball, but find a high school game somewhere, an advanced baseball league for teens, and watch them show you up with their stellar curve ball. Free Outdoor Game: $0 (Free!)

Authentic Fenway Park Stamp CufflinksAuthentic Fenway Park Stamp Cufflinks

After you’ve been watching people younger than you own the court/field/park, maybe it’s time to do some exercise of your own. After all, you have had two cups of coffee…so you’re kind of pumped, right? Good. Now get to your nearest park with a view and do something creatively fun that you’ve never done before. This could be mixed martial arts, yoga, running (!), jogging, total body workouts in the grass…but make sure you get a bottle of water while you’re there. We don’t want you passing out from dehydration now. Exercise in the Park + Bottle of Water+ a post-work out hot dog with sauerkraut: $3.50

Enamel Hotdog CufflinksEnamel Hotdog Cufflinks

Okay, so if you have any sense in math, you’ll realize we’ve gone over budget by $2. Oh well! Eliminate the hotdog if you want, but we promise you’ll have a complete, pre-fall “self indulgent” day for only $20.





The Art and Craft of Shaving: Series Two

Friday, August 17th, 2012



Series Two: The Art and Craft of Shaving

Here’s an “Art of Shaving” exclusive from one of our favorite readers, Rafael Quinones. He’d like to share his take on the craft and mystery of shaving…

Pisces Cufflinks

In a recent interview, self-titled cufflinks connoisseur Raf “The Man” Quinones says the following about his shaving regime:

“I always do the cold water rinse and use the Alum Block.”

“Alum is a mineral that has been used as an antiseptic since the days of ancient Egypt. It’s alcohol-free, but it doesn’t feel that way. It will instantly stop all bleeding from a cut because it naturally closes the pores and eliminates any bacteria, so nothing can get infected. It stings a lot, or a little, depending on how you shaved…but at least it lets you know what areas you were too rough on. Just rinse it off after a couple seconds.”

Eight Pair Silk Knot CufflinksEight Pair Silk Knot Cufflinks

After the right shave, your skin should feel silky smooth, like these Silk Knot Cufflinks

What else? Did you know: Rose water helps!

“While I’m showering and shaving, I keep a bottle of rose water in the fridge. This gets it nice and cool. Then I spray the cool rose water all over my face, which feels refreshing and soothing—but also the rose water acts like a natural toner for your skin, keeping it moisturized.”

What’s your last step in your shaving routine?

“Lastly, I use an alcohol-free after shave balm to moisturize, and for keeping the facial skin smooth. It also helps prevent ingrown hairs and skin irritation after the shave.

ED HARDY "LOVE KILLS SLOWLY" OVAL CUFFLINKSYou don’t want to see ED Hardy on your face after shaving…

Oh! Last thing—I’m sure you saw it on the videos, but DO NOT USE TOO MUCH PRESSURE while shaving. The razor is really sharp and you will cut yourself if you press down. The razor is heavy, and at the right angle it does all the work itself—all you need to do is guide it.”

Aquarius The Water Carrier Coin Cufflinks

Aquarius-The Water Carrier Coin CuffLinks
Thanks Mr. Quinones for your readership and your shaving tips. If YOU would like to contribute to our blog or have comments/advice to share with our readership, simply write to us at


Stay tuned for the POST SHAVE PROCEDURES

Three Men Of The Year: Fashion and TV 2012

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012



Three men to keep an eye on for the New Year…

Ashton Kutcher

Supposedly things have been heating up between Lea Michele, Kutcher’s co-star in the new movie “New Year’s Eve.” The two seemed ultra comfortable with each other and full of smiles when they dawned the red carpet together for their premiere. Check out their cheeky smiles. And we can’t help but give a thumbs up to Ashton’s new swaggerific look ever since he brought up with Demi Moore. If you don’t know who Lea Michele is, don’t worry, we didn’t either, but for the record she’s a star on the TV hit series “Glee.” We don’t think they’ll make a perfect match but it’s nice to see two co-workers love each other’s company.

Lea Michele and Ashton Kutcher get cozy. Steve Granitz/

Lea Michele and Ashton Kutcher get cozy. Steve Granitz/WireImage.comSpades Card Suit CufflinksSpades  Card Suit Cufflinks

But she’s not the only new leading lady in Ashton’s life. US Weekly Reports that “Ashton Kutcher is flaunting a new woman — and sources say he hooked up with her prior to splitting from wife Demi Moore last month. The actor, 33, spent Christmas in Italy with screenwriter Lorene Scafaria — who, until recently, was dating The OC actor Adam Brody.”

Us Weekly – Wed, Dec 28, 2011 9:00 AM

“In exclusive Us Weekly photos, the duo were snapped checking out the sights in Italy, including the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa over the Christmas holiday. Meanwhile Moore, 49, kept a low-profile, spending her holidays with family — including daughter Rumer Willis — in Parrot Cay. “She’s doing really well,” a source tells Us. “[She’s] waiting for all of her stuff to come out in the new year [including] her Lifetime show that she’s executive producing.” “Ashton started seeing her while each was in a relationship,” says a source. Reps for both Kutcher and Scafaria deny this and tell Us “They’re just friends.” And it wasn’t the first field trip for the duo — on Dec. 9 and 10, they cozied up at Yellowstone Club ski resort (snowboarding and playing shuffleboard) in Montana. Kutcher’s ex Moore, of course, announced their plans to divorce in late November following his revealed affair with a different woman, 22-year-old Sara Leal, in September.”–US Weekly

Shia LaBeouf

Fashion Icon Shia LaBeoufFashion Icon Shia LaBeouf

The former Disney Star isn’t so baby-fied anymore—and has been seen with the likes of Megan Fox and Carey Mulligan. He has truly blossomed into a masculine heart throb with a killer fashion forward attitude. Check out his photograph on the cover of Design Magazine:These University Of Lowa Hawkeyes Cufflinks are possibly just as hypnotic as Shia himself:


Shia LaBeouf appears on the cover of the August issue of Details . - Matthias Vriens-McGrathShia LaBeouf appears on the cover of the August issue of Details . – Matthias Vriens-McGrath

Yellow Off Road Vehicle Cufflinks

Go Off Road with Shia with these Yellow Off Road Vehicle Cufflinks




….He’s a lot like a young Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson Kiss My Butt CufflinksHomer Simpson Kiss My Butt Cufflinks

And of course, who can forget America’s favorite %&^*)&, Mr. Tosh.0. He only gets away with his controversial jokes because of his astute fashion and good looks, but we still think he’s pretty funny. There is no other strapping young man on television that can make us laugh so hard our cufflinks come undone. He’s truly Comedy Central’s go to man for put downs and below the belt comedy.

Tosh.0 Tuesdays 10pm / 9c
Web Reflection – Season 3 High Points – Uncensored
Tosh.0 Videos Daniel Tosh Web Redemption

Email Sign CufflinksEmail Sign Cufflinks

Steve Jobs and Cufflinks

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Steve Jobs…need we say more? Actually we will. Jobs has literally changed the way we view and experience the world. This is no easy feat, in case you’re trying to do it yourself, I’m sure you already know. In the late 1970s, Jobs help design and develop one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple Series. Think Jobs’ life didn’t effect you that much? Read on.

Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple

”Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” (Jobs’ voiceover from an unaired Apple commercial featuring Virgin’s Richard Branson)


Microchip Cufflinks

Just imagine your life right now, without ever owning an Ipod, or a MacBook, or even without ever digitizing your music? We’d still be slinging our DiskMan’s around the street, toting our scratched up CDs, and making mix tapes for our significant others. For you younger one’s, a Diskman is simply a portable CD player. Remember those? (If not, DY a favor and click the words “CD Player”) Now we can transfer music to each other through the internet, press a button and open up thousands of songs, which we can listen to in privacy, in public, anywhere (except on the initial ascent on the airplane…) Most of us even learn the most vital news on our Apple devices. Even Jobs’ death itself, most of the industrialized world learned of it through and on an Apple device. Amazing.

Ipod Cufflinks

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me…Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful–that’s what matters.” CNN, May 25, 1993

The above quote really makes one think–are YOU going to bed thinking you’ve done something wonderful? If not, change it. We can. Jobs’ resignation from Apple was a global shock and the interesting thing is, he did it right before his death. That means he was working, doing what he loved, right up to the last minute of his professional existence. And to bow out gracefully while the company is at an all-time high…that is, to put it mildly, reverent class.

Email Sign Cufflinks

“A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences. So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have.”

My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
Steve Jobs