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Best Ways to Keep Your Skin Fresh This February

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013




The best ways to keep your skin feeling fresh during this brittle winter season


By Amber Snider


What’s the first thing that happens to your body when the temperature drops? Get your mind out of the gutter, really, we’re just talking about your skin. You feel the cold, and your skin takes a beating because of it. Moisturize your body’s largest organ properly throughout the winter via the following: serious water intake, good daily moisturizer, and yes, a nightly cream. (yes, it’s time to take care of your skin via that nightly cream, especially if you’re over 35.  You’ll thank us come…Friday?)


So now that you’re “with” us on this, I’m sure you’re wondering: But how do I do that exactly? What’s your best, professional advice to keeping my skin aglow, happy, and ultra-fashionable. Any tips for brands and remedies?

Hot and Cold Faucet Cufflinks

Hot and Cold Faucet Cufflinks

Well now that you asked, sure. That’s what we’re here for! 🙂 That way you don’t have to go asking your girlfriend which is the proper gentle day cream with SPF for under $20 bucks? Or the best winter (or all-season) cleanser? Look no further, Cufflinksman is back and we don’t legally endorse any of the products except our own, so you know it’s from the heart.


1. Daily Moisturizer

Wake up, brush the dentes, and then what? Moisturize. It’s important this dry season, with the bitter cold hitting our precious skin each time we open a shop door or go out for coffee, to put on a daily “something” lotion on your face.  Try something simple at your local Rite Aid, Duane Reade, etc, like this Cerave Moisturizer for under $15.

Cerave Moisturizer

Cerave Moisturizer

2. Some Other Stuff like that, but even old-schooler:

Old-school celebrities and movie stars swear by this stuff. It’s been around since your grandmother (we almost guarantee that). It’s under $5 and worth every penny. Plus how is it always “cold” and thereby refreshing? Humans..

Ponds Cold Cream

Ponds Cold Cream


3. Body Wash with Moisturizer

Yes, body wash with moisturizer. Look for it by name on any bottle, preferably with Shea Butter, Vitamin E, Aloe, and Green Tea Essentials. And go by MY rule: Scrub in the tub what you would eat for grub. Meaning, if it’s not edible, don’t go putting it all over your skin either. Your grandmother will thank us later for that too.


Aymara Green Tea Leaf Butterfly Cufflinks

Aymara Green Tea Leaf Butterfly Cufflinks

4. Weekly Scrub

If the apricot scrub at the local drug store isn’t your thing, try making your own:

Cup of coarse salt/sugar, vitamin E drops, olive oil, liquid soap, vanilla extract, water, and any other essential oil you like. Add a bow around a mason jar and pour, there you have it!


5. Nails: Hand Cream

Hands, next to the eyes/ face/ teeth, your hands are the other next things people notice immediately. Make sure your nails are well-groomed this winter with a few cuticle treatments a month. No, you don’t have to go get pampered at your local Nail Salon, but can use an array of regular items around your house. If you don’t have a lady friend in your close vicinity to ask for hers, go for the olive oil in your kitchen. Smooth on just a little on each fingertip and push the cuticle down with your other nail/finger. It will work just the same–it’s the “bro way.” But if you’re out of olive oil too, plus a girlfriend, then go for Burt’s Bee stuff:

Burts Bees

Burt’s Bees  little greasy and it doesn’t have multiple functions, but still good and inexpensive. 



6. Foot Cream (yes! We’ll tell you why…)

Running Shoes Cufflinks

Running Shoes Cufflinks

Your feet harbor so much moisture while tucked inside your boots all day, which causes bacteria to form. Especially with those (possibly multiple) layers of socks, your feet suffer severe an overload of moisture followed by extreme cold. After washing with body scrub, rub thick hand/foot cream onto your feet, followed by a dose of the talic powder. These helps your “refresh” at the end of the day and retain the “healthy” moisture they need.