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Ten Cool Things to do TODAY

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Cool Things to Do TODAY

Create a happy new playlist on itunes. A mixture of slow jams and dance music to take you on a nostalgic ride.

Ipod CufflinksIpod Cufflinks

Download at least one song from your childhood. And make it a good one, like something from an 80s film. Or better yet, go out and buy the vinyl album to really take you back.

The Clash London Calling Album CoverThe Clash London Calling Album Cover

Clean your bathroom–sounds not so tempting, right? But afterwards, you’ll feel good about yourself and home, knowing that you have a clean place to get clean in.


Blue Unity Cufflinks

Call an old friend whom you haven’t spoken with in over one year. That’s right, pick up the phone. Re-kindle…and that’s not a new amazon product.

Give yourself a manicure (even if you’re a gentlemen). This doesn’t mean break out the clear polish men, but sit on the sofa with a file and clippers, and clean up those hands. They are the “second” things people see when they first meet you, after your face of course. It’s good to have freshly groomed hands always, unless you’re a car mechanic who relishes in the grease all day.

Break out the dusty blender in the kitchen and make a fruit smoothie. Add a little extra to it, like cocoa powder for extra “comfort.” It’s healthy, energizing, and is a great substitute for a fast food meal.


Add a drop of whiskey to your coffee. Just because it’s Thursday.

Visit the humane society and play with the dogs. All dogs go to heaven they say and they remember you for coming to play with them. These little guys and gals rarely get extra love and attention, so why not take a trip to your local shelter and give a couple of canines rub downs.

These dogs weren’t born with a silver treat in their mouths…:(

ANTIQUE HAND PAINTED PUG CUFFLINKSSmile at a stranger. Just one…or ten. Enough so that people still know you’re normal and not some creepy stalker guy ogling all the innocent bystanders. Kind of like it pass it forward kind of smile…not bozo the clown kind of smile.


Do 25 crunches. Hey, we’re not saying to 100. 25 will get those muscles working just enough to set off some happy endorphines in your brain and maybe even motivate you to do more.