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Cufflinks for the peaceful warrior

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

These days, there’s a lot of talk about being one with the earth and living a peaceful life. It takes a great deal of courage and dedication to be a “peaceful warrior” and practice the art of Zen living. Life is full of ups and downs, so it requires an open mind to look beneath the surface of life and embrace the rollercoaster. Luckily, we have a few pairs of cufflinks that will come in handy for every peaceful warrior — whether you are just starting out on your path or you have been walking the path for years. It doesn’t matter if your path involves a certain religious practice or a belief in Buddhist principles, because our selection of Religious and Zen Cufflinks has got you covered.



You’ll find plenty of peaceful warrior cufflinks to choose from, including this breathtaking pair of InfinityEdge Cufflinks. The infinity symbol transcends all religions and philosophies, because it is the ultimate sign of unity and peace. The symbol itself means, “unending” or “beyond comprehension,” which can signify the meaning of all life. Life itself is unending, as the universe just goes on and on and on … well, you get the picture. Walking the path of a peaceful warrior takes discipline and faith, and one great way of reminding yourself that you are headed in the right direction is by wearing a pair of Plated Infinity Symbol Cufflinks. If you prefer a different type of Religious and Zen Cufflinks, then view our selection. You’ll find what you are looking for.