burlesque in nyc | Cufflinks Blog

Posts Tagged ‘burlesque in nyc’

Around Town in NYC: Burlesque Shows

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

If you’re lucky enough to live in New York City, you have a wide range of activities to do at literally any time of the day and night. During the holiday season, there’s an influx seasonal charm and events that bring in tourists from all over the world. One of our favorite things to do here at Cufflinksman is to enjoy an evening of burlesque.

Fall's Hottest Entertain: Burlesque Shows

Fall’s Hottest Entertain: Burlesque Shows

Now if you’ve never been to a real Burlesque show, you may have the wrong idea. Burlesque is one of the most beautiful forms of dancing and late night entertainment for adults. While we wouldn’t recommend you take the kiddies to an after hours show, or any such show before the age of 16, for those cosmopolitan 20-80 something’s, it can be the perfect night out.

Hand Painted Penny Cufflinks

Hand Painted Penny Cufflink
