Why Being in NYC During Fall is The Best | Cufflinks Blog

Why Being in NYC During Fall is The Best

Let’s face it–living in New York City is just somehow better than other places. Now we’re not New York snobs over here, but the best season to possibly live in NYC would hands down be fall.

Something about the bitter chill, the warm subway nooks, the street lights coming on at 5pm, and the colorful leaves in Central Park that make the hustle and bustle all worth while.


1. The landscape views (from your fire escape, friend’s balcony, rooftop).





2- Trees in Central Park.


3- The opening(s) of ice skating rinks.

Hockey Cufflinks

Go get your Ice Hockey On…


4- The “new” lights–or shall we say, newly added?


Light Switch Cufflinks

What New Yorker doesn’t love ConEd?

5. You actually feel somewhat cozy on a crowded train

Just a regular fall day in the city…

Just a regular fall day in the city…

6- Happy hour seems to start earlier, but only because it gets darker earlier.


7- Fall colors go best up against a concrete jungle.  Ever notice that your muted clothes look so good up against a background of brick?  What’s up with that? FALL is what’s up with that…


Bricks Cufflinks

New York Loves Brick


8-New Yorkers seem to look better in boots and scarves.  We’re not the most attractive bunch without them. Think: if we were in Miami how out of place we’d all look? New Yorkers are not made for bikinis and speedos, so it seems.


9- Football season in HD at every bar/ friend’s apartment.  It’s always on the screen, reminding you of comfort, ale, and  evening banter–even if you’re not that into football.

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Even when it’s over, there’s still the Superbowl to look forward to. Try these Washington Redskins Cufflinks


10- Even if there’s a blizzard, you can still get delivery–at any time of the day or night. Take that suburbs.


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Access to world renowned chefs at all hours? What’s the point of going out? Check out our Gourmet Chef Cufflinks

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