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Stay Fresh This Summer

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012



We all need a little advice once in a while. Here are CLM’s 7 Tips to Keeping you Fresh this Summer…

1. Maintain an even skin tone. Remember our previous post about the perfect bronzed look? That’s right, not only do you have to keep the skin clear and clog-free from dirt and daily grime, but try to maintain a summer glow too. If you haven’t read it yet, click here for 5 Simple Steps to maintaining an all-over glow year round. 

Summer Glow for men

2. During hot summer’s mid-day heat, it’s important to change your shirt twice a day. You came here to find out about the rules of staying fresh, right? Adhere to this rule gentlemen.

Red Fire Engine CufflinksFeeling extra hot and bothered? Let your accessories say the say thing, try our Red Fire Engine Cufflinks for an added spark.

3. Never wear faded, colored tee-shirts or collared shirts (white is even worse!) If you like particular brand of shirt or a color, buy it in bulk. Don’t over wear your favorite tee shirt just because you can’t get enough of its softness/style. Buy three, of the same kind. And then throw it out when it becomes dingy or over-washed. For extra style points, try our Pink Collared Cufflinks.


4. Ditch the sneakers in 90 degree weather. Or even 80 degree weather for that matter. Nothing is quite worse than seeing a man walking around in the mid day heat with a pair of hot, sticky sneakers on. Get yourself a nice pair of sandals and spend the $30 on a pedicure to make sure your staying on top of your “fresh” game. Even the horses don’t completely cover their hooves, so why should you?


5. Exfoliate… like your feet too. This step goes perfectly with advice number one and four and is actually an indispensable rule. Follow it.

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6. Regular haircuts. Don’t wait until you look like a cave man to make a regular trip to your barber. If you can’t get seen by that “special” hair stylist whenever you want, make sure you have a back-up hair stylist. It does a world of difference for your overall fashion effect if you take the time to trim those locks on the regular.

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7. And finally, STAY HYDRATED. In these hot summer months, it’s important to drink as much water as possible. You can’t really over-hydrate. Okay, you can but it’s actually really hard to do. Keep your skin fresh and clear, your eyes bright and cheery, and make sure your energy can beat the heat.

Stay Fresh with Bottled Water.