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Top Habits that Improve Your Looks

Friday, February 24th, 2012


Change your sheets regularly. Dirty sheets lead to facial break outs. It’s quite an obvious tip, but many people don’t bother to change their sheets every other week. The longer that pillow case sits at the head of your bed, the more acne you’ll have by morning…Farah Averill from says the following: “It’s particularly important to lay out some fresh bedding if you frequently have a female in your bed, as residue from women’s makeup and hair products can get left behind on your sheets and subsequently be transferred to your face.”

OVAL ONYX AND MOTHER OF PEARL CUFFLINKSEven Simon Bolivar had to change his sheets every week (or so). Check out this vintage stamp Oval Cufflinks set

See a barber every three to six weeks to get a mandatory shape up. Some men let this slide and go longer without getting a hair cut. But we’re here to let you know gentlemen, it’s necessary to keep up the clean cut. Necessity for a clean, polished look, and won’t hurt your wallet too much at around $12-$15 a pop.
Check out these vintage Sawblade Cufflinks, just like the barbers used to use…and still do
Shave after showering. Who would thunk it? Well, you know that foggy mirror you see when you step outside the raining waters of the shower head? It’s the humidity from the hot water and it actually opens up your pores and softens the hair follicle. Ever see those movies where the men in barber shops put a hot towel compress on the face for several minutes? it’s the same thing, but it will save your complexion and make for an easier shave if you  wait until after you hit the shower.
Wash your feet everyday, with soap. No brainer right? Ah, but some men think that the drips of shampoo that cascade down from the head or chest or other surrounding areas is good enough to clean the feet. NOT true. Bacteria builds up quickly on the feet, especially because it’s a moist area that is normally covered throughout must of the day. Get in between the toes with the soap and rinse clean. You’ll save money on odor-eaters too in the long run.

Water!! Water and water! If you spend so much time in your sacred, coveted shower, think how much the inside of your body loves water? Drink at least 8 glasses a day. it flushes out your system, reduces facial blemishes, and keeps your skin radiate and fresh.
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