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6 Things Most Men Don’t Do

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

What Most Men Don’t Do

There are 6 fairly common things that men seem to skip over in their daily routines, leaving them vulnerable to skin problems, bad hygiene, and poor health. Which one or ones are you guilty of? Here are 6 things to add to your everyday or weekly routine to get your health, looks, and body back in order.

Go to the doctors for regular blood work and check-ups (this includes the dentist): Most men think “I only need to go to the doctors when I’m sick.” This is not the case–especially if you have medical insurance, quite frankly, there’s no excuse not to go. Men need to go to the doctors at least once a year to check their blood (remember, your blood determines your overall physical livelihood). A routine blood work includes checking out your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and also looks for potential diseases that can drastically effect your life–you may be pre-diabetic and not know it, you may have high blood pressure and not know it…becoming aware of your ailments helps you take control over your life and prepare for better health. Maybe you should change your diet, cut out sweets all together, or maybe you need antibiotics. Either way, you only have one body, so take care of it.

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Medical Stethoscope Doctor Cufflinks

Wash their feet with soap:


Sorry Gentlemen, but letting the shampoo and/or soap from your hairy chest fall onto the slimy shower floor is not “washing your feet.” Of course we all know that moist areas harbor the most bacteria, so pay extra attention to your feet. Lt. Dan didn’t tell Forrest to change his socks at every stop for nothing! Just like your mother probably reminded you to wash behind your ears, it’s also important to clean your feet appropriately and thoroughly using soap (preferably anti-bacterial soap).


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Regularly change their sheets:


Dirty sheets harbor bacteria as well, which can ruin your complexion. Especially if you have a lady friend stay over, residue from make-up, hair products, and lotions clog pores and cause break outs. Plus you want to get rid of those microscopic bugs you have around in there (we’re not talking bed bugs either, just regular little dudes), including the dreaded dust mites (oh yeah, they’re there…).

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What are the other three habits most men forget to do??? Check back tomorrow…