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Posts Tagged ‘romantic cufflinks’

Don’t Let Chivalry Die a Quiet Death!

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012



Be attentive. That means open the door for her, tie her shoes when they come undone, notice when her wine glass needs a refill, rub her back after a long day. Be attentive to her everyday needs, it doesn’t have to be grand gestures and affirmations of devotion.

Silver Rose Cufflinks

Silver Rose Cufflinks

Have manners. No one wants to take out a guy with horrible manners. That means, no chewing with your mouth open, no excessive burping, general nastiness when it comes to the delicate art of eating.

Love and Kisses Stamp Cufflinks

Romantic Gestures. Here’s where the tricky stuff comes into play or actual premeditated thought is needed. Take her out to a candle lit dinner, feed her sushi by hand in public, carry her over a puddle. You know, that Casablanca kind of stuff.

California Roll Sushi Cufflinks

California Roll Sushi Cufflinks

Compliments (Honest ones). Not like “your body is more banging than Kim K.’s…” No, we know this is not true and we’re okay with this. Start with the little honest things, like I have the way your smile curves to the left, I like the way that dress looks on you today, you hair is quite elegant tonight, etc. etc. Or simply look into her eyes and say “You. Are. Beautiful.”

I Love You Sweetheart Cufflinks

I Love You Sweetheart Cufflinks

Protect Her. These natural instincts to protect and defend your lady are key to chivalry. Defend her in public, stand up to the guy who is making obscene gestures to her on the street, and chastise your frieds for making crude remarks in her presence. These little things will mean the world to her and will not go unnoticed.


5 Ways to Get the Girl

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012



Certain Things Women Can’t Resist

We’ve all heard the saying “nice guys finish last” and that can be true…if you’re a push-over. Women don’t want men who are passively sweet and timid about their affections. So what do women really want? They want a bold “nice guy” who isn’t afraid of rejection, who will go to “bad boy” lengths to get the girl.

What does that even mean? Check it:

What Women Want

Go to Great Lengths to get her. And we don’t mean inches.

So she lives in another state? Go find her. There’s something ultra-romantic and straight forward about going out to seek the one you love, traveling miles, and confessing your adoration. Any man that travels far with the sole purpose of “loving” her and only her, has about a 98% chance of having the feeling reciprocated. We fall for that kind of stuff. Just make sure when you get there, you have that rushed sense of “I’ve missed you so much that I just couldn’t…” blah blah you get the picture. But don’t abuse this romantic charm, make sure you know the lady and have a chance with her.

Irish Claddagh CufflinksIrish Claddagh Cufflinks

Send her gifts. Seriously.

It’s not that she’s a gold digger, but women want to be thought of and sometimes in tangible ways —and they want to be able to think of you in tangible ways too. By sending her little gifts, you’re not only showing her you love her, but it also ensures she will be remembering YOU every time she looks at it. hehe…slick one. This is why “gift giving” during courtship (and hopefully thereafter) is one of the most romantic, charming tricks in the book. You get extra extra bonus points if these gifts aren’t generic and have something to do with her inner, personal life (……) LIKE something she’s casually brought up in conversation, something that complements her life and aesthetics.

TELL her you’re taking her out to lunch.
Remember, passivity is the devil. Be bold about it and respectful. Treat her like a lady from the Victorian era and then watch as she unfolds into a minx later on. But before all that, don’t casually ask a woman your pinning for out to lunch….TELL her you’re taking her: “I’m taking you to lunch today. I was thinking that Greek restaurant. How’s 1:30 later on today? I’ll pick you up outside your office.” BOOM. Brilliance. And if you’re rejected, well it depends on HOW you’re rejected, be persistent until you know it’s a no-go.


Compliment her.

Some men think that they will boost a woman’s head up if they compliment her. Not the case: a happy, confident woman is a happy, confident man. As long as the compliments aren’t excessive, they are necessary. Notice the little things. She’ll reward you later.

Love Stamp CufflinksLove Stamp Cufflinks

Conduct a scavenger hunt.

Start with an anonymous note. Maybe a series of poems or riddles. Nothing to sappy or romantic, just enough to get her looking at places. Think of the movie “Amelie.” Remember what SHE put that man through? Of course they end up together in the end! Leave little clues around your city/town that lead to more clues. The end result doesn’t matter, it’s the anticipation that counts. Leave her a note at the gas station/deli, which leads to an old movie theater, have a ticket waiting for her, etc etc. Get creative. The more work you put in, the more impressed she’ll be.

Lucky Ladybug CufflinksLucky Ladybug Cufflinks