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NHL Post-Lockout: What Really Happened?

Saturday, February 9th, 2013



NHL Lockout


Go big or go home. Now that the infamous Hockey LockOut is over, and the Superbowl champions have their first-ever claim to fame,  NHL fans can finally go back to their regular programming. But what exactly happened with the whole hockey lockout? How did the end of the lockout come about, finally, on January 6th?

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Where there is a union, there is always a way.


The Washington Post says: “The end of the lockout came after more than 16 consecutive hours of bargaining on the 113th day. Language and legal details of the new collective bargaining agreement still need to be finalized, and then the deal must be ratified by a majority of both the union’s roughly 750 members and the league’s 30-member Board of Governors before it can become official.


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“There’s still a lot of work to be done, but the basic framework of the deal has been agreed upon,” NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman told reporters in New York, while standing alongside Donald Fehr, the union’s executive director.

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“Hopefully within a very few days the fans can get back to watching people who are skating, not the two of us,” Fehr said.”

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“The shortened season will feature a pro-rated salary cap of $70.2 million, while the 2013-14 season salary cap will fall to $64.3 million, with the salary floor at $44 million for both seasons. To help with the adjustment to a lower salary cap next year, the league agreed to two amnesty buyouts per team that will count against the players’ share of hockey-related revenue. As things stand, the Capitals have $44.8 million committed to 12 players under contract for 2013-14, which leaves $19.5 million to sign 11 more.”

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The says, “It’s a great myth that the 1994-95 lockout inflicted lasting damage on the careers of many veteran NHL stars.” Click here to read their predictions for the 2013 Season.

So what’s the new schedule? Click here for the detailed season schedule.