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Posts Tagged ‘old school cufflinks’

Drive, The Soundtrack and The Man

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

So some say the movie Drive was the best film of 2011 and here at Cufflinksman, we agree, wholeheartedly. An ideal mix of passion, violence, cars, intensity, and on-the-edge-of-your seat suspense, it is a perfect “date night” film, so as long as your date doesn’t have a squeamish stomach.

Ryan Gosling in Drive


Defined as “neo-noir”, this film easily could of flopped had it not been for the acting. Yes, it’s action packed, but without Ryan Gosling’s and Mulligan’s brilliant character input, the movie would amount to a boring sack of potatoes. It also harbors some of the best cinematic scenes in the 21st century (think of the elevator scene, for instance).

Ryan Gosling in Drive

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And one couldn’t leave out the second best part of the film: the soundtrack. Most of the electro-new age/80s style/transient style beats were written and produced by Cliff Martinez. His beats take up a majority of the soundtrack album, but new electro-tech bands such as Desire, College, and even Kavinsky & Lovefoxxx sop up all the amazing points.

Thunderbird Stamp CufflinksThunderbird Stamp Cufflinks

And don’t forget about this hypnotic, dance style mix by Desire:

The good news is, the film has recently been put up on Netflix. (whatt???) Yes they finally did something right. And totally worth the $8 a month, just for this film. You’ll thank us later.



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…but for now, you’re welcome.

Have you laughed today? SNL Skits

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

…..and this is not a cheese commercial.

Along with Steve Jobs, but maybe not on such an exponential level, SNL has changed the world too. Well maybe not the entire world, but just the little world that sits in front of the tube late Saturday nights and relishes in the comedy.I don’t know about you, but skits from the show have been brought up at the dinner table, classrooms, subway stops, and “hey you gotta watch this…” moments with friends.

How many bands did you learn simply from watching the show? It’s like they know the latest and greatest, suck you into new artists, and make you download their music. They’re catchy, hip, edgy artists that you want to have a beer with or at least consider buying their album. Just this morning, I awoke to the tune of a song I first heard last Saturday on SNL. How does this happen? Pure Genius.

In honor of the lovely crew at SNL, here are some memorable moments that occurred on random nights:

Let’s start with last Saturday’s musical guest, Foster the People


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Next up we have the duo we love best. They brought us “____ in a Box,” for the Christmas season, “Mother Lover,” “J___ in my Pants,” and most importantly, “The Golden Rule” song. As controversial as these may be, (not really but we thought we might add that in there), show them to your mom and we guarantee she’ll laugh too. Makes you wonder: how do they play this stuff on television?





Or our precious Harvard Graduate Natalie Portman, gone mad-woman gangster boo.


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Our Presidential Candidate Favorites: Hilary and Sarah. Let’s be frank, no one, and we mean no one, plays Sarah Palin quite like Tina Fey. The resemblance and mannerisms are simply uncanny.


And lastly, a weekend update from our favorite, Stephon, the City Correspondent. The whole ‘hand over mouth’ thing is just…perfect. He’s a typical east village, club obsessed, strangely thin/weird/obsure gay man. But we’re starting to think that the hand over mouth is just to keep him from laughing hysterically at the camera.


Stay tuned for more videos, laughter, and worldly insight.