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Posts Tagged ‘movie director cufflinks’

Oscar Highlights 2012

Monday, February 27th, 2012


Let’s just say the ladies looked spectacular last night and so did the gentlemen. This 2012 Oscar season was  what we would describe as the “Best Looking” event of the year and perhaps decade. Kudos to all the designers. The custom dresses and tuxedos were stunning, positively.

Movie Director CufflinksMovie Director Cufflinks

So some highlights, right? Well it seems like France is taking over L.A. with The Artist winning many awards last night, including Best Picture. Wow, the infamously good looking Jean Dujardin won the coveted Best Actor award and had some pretty steep competition–including Brad Pitt. His starring role in Hazanavicius’ silent movie The Artist, playing actor George Valentin, received widespread acclaim, but now he’s on the look book of American ladies everywhere.

French Stamp CufflinksCongratulations Jean on earning Best Actor. Since you’re the first French man to ever win an Academy Award for Best Actor, call us and we’ll send you these French Stamp Cufflinks

Jean Dujardin, Best Actor at the Oscars 2012Jean Dujardin, Best Actor at the Oscars 2012

French Flag CufflinksFrench Flag Cufflinks

And of course who could over look  Meryl? Her Best Actress speech made half the world cry, I’m sure, including the front row audience members. Stars were starry eyed when Meryl confessed that she probably won’t have this opportunity again, so she was going to relish in it. Some were upset Viola didn’t win it, but when you’re competing with Meryl…eh, things get tricky. Meryl went for an understated look, minimal make-up, and, to coin a word from last night, a breath taking gown.


Meryl Streep at 2012 Oscars

ryl Streep at 2012 Oscars

And Michelle Williams in that coral Louis Vuitton dress…mmm, spectacular. She definitely makes our Best Dressed List!

Michelle Williams, Oscars 2012Michelle Williams, Oscars 2012

Marilyn Monroe CufflinksAnd Michele was nominated for Best Actress for her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe

And can we just say that Billy Crystal needs to lay off the botox. His face is starting to resemble Joan Rivers. Way too much tanning, cheek implants, eye lift, botox in the forehead and chin…bad, bad, bad. Can’t you age gracefully Billy? We love your comedy but come on. You’ve never been a glamor model, so why try now at your age?

Billy Crystal, Oscar 2012Billy Crystal, Oscars 2012

And Kermit the Frog? Well, I guess because of the new Muppet movie craze, but we’ve never quite understood the dynamic between Miss Piggy and Kermie…it’s just…odd.

One a different note, Tom Hanks never looked better. Sure, he’s aging, but the goatee thing he had going on with his salt and pepper hair, quite simply, worked. Congrats Mr. Hanks, you made our Best Dressed List.

Tom hanks presenting at the 2012 OscarsTom hanks presenting at the 2012 Oscars

Tom hanks, Oscars 2012

And finally, thank heavens for Chris Rock. He was like a breath of fresh air when he came in! His comic relief came at the perfect moment, with great timing, great kickers, and made the whole Cufflinksman House laugh. Kudos to you Mr. Rock. You’ve come a long way from your HBO days..

Chris Rock, Academy Awards 2012

Talking about animated films, he was saying how easy it is to be a performing–you show up, say a few lines, and get a million dollars. Mmm….must be nice.

American Horror Story Has America Hooked

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

The psycho-sexual thriller American Horror Story, which premiered this season, has everyone absolutely hooked on Wednesday nights. If you’re not one of them, you will be! The show quite brilliantly synthesizes a little bit of everything that appeals to the modern late night American TV viewer: sex and beautiful women, house terror, thrills and suspense, infidelity, ghosts, murder (and more murder), myth making, suburban towns, curses, teenage angst, suicide, psychiatrists gone mad, doctor’s wives going mad, drugs, and we’re still counting.

The Harmons, American Horror Story

, American Horror Story

American Horror Story revolves around the Harmons, a family of three who moved from Boston to Los Angeles as a means to reconcile past anguish. The creators have Nip/Tuck and Glee have their paws in the creation of this intense new series.
American Horror Story Movie Trailer Official HD by dm_5017cefc6f801
Who is the guy in black latex? What’s up with that neighbor or shape shifting/sex crazed maid? What will psycho ex-girlfriend college student dead girl do next? These are the questions that probe all of us watching! Yes, some have been answered, but every week it leaves us wanting more. And for those of you watching, all I can say is, the brain thing?? Whoa.

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Gunmetal 1911 Colt Gun Cufflinks

One obvious thing about the show is the acting is superb. A fresh breath of air for all the over-saturated, under budgeted TV shows out there. Jessica Lange‘s character Constance is chilling, elegant, and completely embodies a deeply troubled Southern mother. Her performance is near perfect in every scene.POPPED SQUARED CUFFLINKS

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Frances Conroy who plays the tantalizing maid Moira, was last seen in Six Feet Under, and her traditional soft-spoken, domestic character comes full circle with creepy and haunting consequences. And surprisingly, newcomer to Hollywood Taissa Farmiga, who plays the angst-y independent teenager, is another brilliant feat to the show: her performance speaks volumes for the disembodied youth of America.

Ed Hardy, Love Kills Slowly Cufflinks
Ed Hardy, Love Kills Slowly Cufflinks

So go ahead, turn off the house lights tomorrow (Wednesday at 10pm), sink into your cozy chair, and indulge in this season’s hottest show.

Have you laughed today? SNL Skits

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

…..and this is not a cheese commercial.

Along with Steve Jobs, but maybe not on such an exponential level, SNL has changed the world too. Well maybe not the entire world, but just the little world that sits in front of the tube late Saturday nights and relishes in the comedy.I don’t know about you, but skits from the show have been brought up at the dinner table, classrooms, subway stops, and “hey you gotta watch this…” moments with friends.

How many bands did you learn simply from watching the show? It’s like they know the latest and greatest, suck you into new artists, and make you download their music. They’re catchy, hip, edgy artists that you want to have a beer with or at least consider buying their album. Just this morning, I awoke to the tune of a song I first heard last Saturday on SNL. How does this happen? Pure Genius.

In honor of the lovely crew at SNL, here are some memorable moments that occurred on random nights:

Let’s start with last Saturday’s musical guest, Foster the People

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Next up we have the duo we love best. They brought us “____ in a Box,” for the Christmas season, “Mother Lover,” “J___ in my Pants,” and most importantly, “The Golden Rule” song. As controversial as these may be, (not really but we thought we might add that in there), show them to your mom and we guarantee she’ll laugh too. Makes you wonder: how do they play this stuff on television?



Or our precious Harvard Graduate Natalie Portman, gone mad-woman gangster boo.

Movie Director Cufflinks

Our Presidential Candidate Favorites: Hilary and Sarah. Let’s be frank, no one, and we mean no one, plays Sarah Palin quite like Tina Fey. The resemblance and mannerisms are simply uncanny.–hillary-open#s-p1-sa-i3

And lastly, a weekend update from our favorite, Stephon, the City Correspondent. The whole ‘hand over mouth’ thing is just…perfect. He’s a typical east village, club obsessed, strangely thin/weird/obsure gay man. But we’re starting to think that the hand over mouth is just to keep him from laughing hysterically at the camera.


Stay tuned for more videos, laughter, and worldly insight.