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Posts Tagged ‘martini cufflinks’

A New, Eccentric Way of Meeting a Potential Mate

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012




We’ve come a long way in the art of courtship over the centuries. Or have we? It really only comes down to one thing in the end…biology. So it makes sense when this new theme for a dating party arises, and becomes a hit. Or shall we say a hormonal orgy? It’s actually a genius idea and CLM sends serious kudos to the “inventor” of such a party: Enter The Pheromone Party.


A new article featured in says the following: “Enter the Pheromone Parties. You sleep in a clean T-shirt for three nights to capture your body’s odor, then bring it to a party in a Ziploc bag. Guests smell the bags, which are labeled with a number and nothing more, letting their primal instincts guide their mate selection. The thought of answering “online” when someone asks me how I met my significant other kind of embarrasses me, but “body odor” is a mind f*ck I think a lot of us aren’t ready for.”

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Haven’t you ever noticed yourself loving the scent of your lover/wife/husband? Something pulls you to them and you only like their scent. This is totally biological and a necessary part of finding the ideal mate, especially when it comes to body chemistry, reproduction, and the ideal exchange of genetics.


New Spark Plugs anyone? Did you feel it?

So during the course of this kind of party, guests photograph themselves holding the labeled bag with the shirt if they LIKE the scent. This photograph is then projected on a white wall and if the owner if interested, he/she will approach the person in the photograph. Cool, huh? It’s kind of like a win-win situation because you’re not risking rejection per-say, and it’s highly likely that if a person vibes with your scent, you will vibe with their scent as well, plus you get to see a picture of them beforehand.

The Colors of the RainbowAll The Colors of the Rainbow

Creator Judith Prays says the following in a recent interview: “How exactly do pheromones work?
JP: Pheromones are the chemical triggers of sexual attraction in mammals. Pheromones determine fecundity; if you are attracted to someone’s pheromones, it is an indicator that you two will have healthy offspring. While not confirmed, it is suspected that males smell availability and females smell genetic quality. ”



Your Drink Says About You

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012


What Your Drink Says About You

Bud Light: Follower. Lacks definitive taste. Trouble making decisions . Only acceptable at Frat parties, beer pong, and…that, quite frankly, is it.

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High Life: Settled. Comfortable. A medium between the Bud Light Guy and the Craft Beer. It’s acceptable.

PBR: Low maintenance and will go for anything. Looking for something quick, easy deal, and cheap–maybe even in your women as well. Not cool.

Craft Beer: A man who knows what he wants/someone who is not cheap. Likes to try new things. Adventurous. Beer comes in many variations, styles, and brands. So when a man orders a local/craft beer at a bar, any bar, it shows good taste. There’s almost nothing worse than a man who drinks Natural Light or PBR at a nightclub or restaurant.

Beer Mug CufflinksBeer Mug Cufflinks

Whiskey, up/on rocks: A man’s man. Rugged. Tough. A confident, no fuss, laid back kind of guy. It’s alright if it’s mixed with a little coke too, but it’s always better if you can handle the scotch/bourbon/whiskey straight up, with no fluff. Sip slowly. Can be followed/mixed with a light or craft beer.

Vodka with mixer: A lady’s man. You’re in the clear. Stay away from too many garnishes (cherries, oranges, limes, etc) and fancy straws. Other than that, you’re good.


Gin with mixer: An “old world’ kind of guy. Older gentleman. Stuck in the 1930s. Debatable. We’re still trying to figure out who this Gin guy is…


Martini (vodka): You’re questionable. If it’s a Gin martini, it can be appropriate on a date. A martini, for a gentlemen, is never acceptable at a dive bar or a local restaurant spot. It is okay if you’re at a lounge, an upscale restaurant/bar and are possibly wearing a tie. Seeing a guy in jeans, at a dive bar, drinking a martini with extra olives is just…wrong.

Vintage Martini CufflinksVintage Martini Cufflinks

Wine: Either a Snob or Worldly. Wine is suitable for men on a date under limited circumstances. The first one is you must or should be eating a meal with this wine. White for a fish (white meat, pasta, etc) dish, red for a steak (red meat) dish. It signifies that you are a classy, well-rounded, worldly man who knows how to enjoy his food and get the best out of his meal. It is not, however, recommended that you drink wine alone or order it while sitting at a bar stool, unless you are at a wine tasting. Also, when the cork is presented to you and you are to sample the first sip, do not go overboard on the swishing, gurgling, and aromatic gesturing–it’s just obnoxious, not to mention a major turn off.

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Soda/Coke/Ginger ale alone: You’re a recovered alcoholic, drug addict, reformed party-er. If not, what are you doing at a bar? And more importantly, why don’t you drink? If it’s because of religion, maybe you shouldn’t be a bar in the first place…

Three Cocktails for the Fall Season

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

The sun sets much later in the evening, the air has a distinct clean chill, the ground crunches when you walk…yes, fall is here. So imagine coming home from work after a long day, to find one of these tantalizing cocktails waiting for you. Embrace the new season with a series of spiced drinks to warm your spirits in the upcoming chilly evenings.

1. The Pumpkin Martini

Pumpkin Divine Cocktail Photo Courtesy of: © Grey Goose Vodka

Pumpkin Divine Cocktail Photo Courtesy of: © Grey Goose Vodka

Everyone seems to love the Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte, so why enjoy that same fall taste with vodka. This recipe is very easy, assuming you have a strainer, tumbler, and can get your hands on some pumpkin spice liquor. But if the Pumpkin Spiced Latte is your favorite, it may be a good seasonal investment to purchase Pumpkin liquor. Here’s how you make it, recipe courtesy of


  • 1/2 oz Sylk Cream Liqueur
  • 2 oz vanilla vodka
  • 1/2 oz pumpkin liqueur or pumpkin spice syrup
  • 1 tsp whipped cream
  • cinnamon stick for garnish


Mmm…Vodka mixed with fashion!


  1. Pour the Sylk Liqueur and vodka into a shaker filled with ice.
  2. Shake well.
  3. Add the pumpkin liqueur or syrup.
  4. Shake again.
  5. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
  6. Top with a teaspoon of whipped cream.
  7. Garnish with a cinnamon stick.


Got pumpkin?

2. Yamazaki Autumn Delight

Yamazaki Autumn Delight Photo Courtesy of: © Yamazaki Whiskey

Yamazaki Autumn Delight Photo Courtesy of: © Yamazaki Whiskey

This drink can either be served cold or warm! The fresh cinnamon stick adds a little kick of flavor while remaining a perfect fall-esque garnish. If you can’t find the Japanese Whiskey, use a mellow Scotch.


  • 2 oz Yamazaki 12 year old whiskey
  • 6 oz Apple Cider
  • Fresh cinnamon


  • Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
  • Shake and strain into an ice filled old-fashioned glass.
  • Dust with fresh cinnamon.
  • Garnish with 2 apple slices and a cinnamon stick.

3. Herb’s Harvest

Herbs Harvest Photo Courtesy of: © Herb's Aromatic Vodka

Herbs Harvest Photo Courtesy of: © Herb’s Aromatic Vodka

The refreshing taste of rosemary is showing up not just at the dinner table, but behind the bar table as well. This recipe uses Rosemary Infused Vodka and is a modern cocktail with an herbal twist. Fresh ingredients are best for full flavor:



Garnish your sleeve with an orange slice cufflinks




  • 2 parts Herb’s Rosemary vodka
  • 1/2 part pear puree
  • 1/2 part lemon juice
  • 1/4 part almond syrup
  • 3/4 part cranberry juice (optional)
  • sprig of rosemary for garnish


  1. Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Shake well.
  3. Strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice.
  4. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

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