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Posts Tagged ‘irish cufflinks’

The Work Bag: Fashion 2012

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 recently featured a collection of must-have bags for fall 2012. But we’re thinking in terms of a more transitional fashion sense, like from winter to spring. Taking inspiration from GQ writer Matthew Sebra, we’re proud to feature the coolest, most functional bags this season (and next). The best part is, the all seem to be made impeccably, and many are classics, ensuring your purchase won’t be short lived.

Here are the Best Bags from New York Fashion Week:

Nothing is better than a beat-up, vintage inspired rucksack (nothing beside, let’s say, cufflinks of course…) This season we’ll be seeing a lot of canvas/wool blends mixed with leather accents. The great thing about this is it keeps the weight of the bag on the lower scale.

Richard Chai Fall Collection 2012

Richard Chai Fall Collection 2012

Simon Spurr Fall Collection 2012Simon Spurr Fall Collection 2012

Irish Dog, Hand-Painted Coin CufflinksIrish Dog, Hand-Painted Coin Cufflinks

Fun, playful, and still latching onto Spring and Summer, these no-hassle, yet elegant, totes from John Bartlett are perfect for the seasonal transition. It came go to the office, as well as the beach, and we love the little details consisting of red and white stripes. Reminds us of our own fun accessory we like to call the Red Mint Cufflink

Red Starlight Mint Cufflinks

Red Starlight Mint Cufflinks

John Bartlett Fall 2012 Collection

John Bartlett Fall Collection 2012

As we reported in our earlier blog, entitled Three Designers We Adore,” Joseph’s Abboud’s fall collection is stunning. He may even take the prize for NYC Fashion Week’s Best Runway show (in our book anyways). And as always, pair Abboud’s collection with anything from Aymara this fall season. The juxtaposition of light airy Butterfly Cufflinks and sturdy canvas bags will fit the aesthetic season.

Joseph Abboud Fall Collection 2012Joseph Abboud Fall Collection 2012

Aymara Brown Sea Rectangle Butterfly CufflinksAymara Brown Sea Rectangle Butterfly Cufflinks

Michael Bastian Fall Collection 2012Michael Bastian Fall Collection 2012

Bastian’s collection also made our blog pages last fall, featuring orange James Dean inspired looks. Remember our “Fall Trend Report 2011: Numero Dos”? Now we couldn’t help feature his 70s meets French Decadence inspired bag for this year’s new Fall collection. And pair this decadent bag with these Chainsaw cufflinks:


Cufflinkman’s Number 1 Pick: Most Beautiful Woman 2012

Saturday, February 18th, 2012
Cufflinksman's Number One Most Beautiful Woman of 2012, Zooey-DeschanelCufflinksman’s Number One Most Beautiful Woman of 2012, Zooey-Deschanel
Let’s face it, Zooey-Deschanel has it all: incredible talent, quirkiness, a beautiful singing voice, and killer looks. That’s why she’s Cufflinksman #1 Most Beautiful Woman in 2012. And guess what? She’s recently separated from her husband, Ben Gibbard (who front lines for the band Death Cab Cutie), siting the usual, “irreconcilable differences.” But don’t feel bad, this talented lady has a long career ahead of her and many men just waiting to take Ben’s place.
“Our Idiot Brother” Photo Shoot with Emily… by vanityfair
Sure she’s not a Victoria’s Secret model or any model for that matter, but she’s a real woman–full of flaws, beauty, talent, and crystal blue eyes, and for the Cufflinks-MAN, that fits the bill. Plus she endorses cotton? Well WE also endorse cotton, so look at that! Like our luxorious cotton and silk blend tie collections from Daniel Dolce:
Zooey Claire Deschanel (born January 17, 1980) is an American actress, musician, and singer-songwriter. In 1999, Deschanel made her film debut in Mumford, followed by her breakout role as young protagonist William Miller’s troubled older sister Anita in Cameron Crowe’s 2000 semi-autobiographical film Almost Famous. Deschanel soon became known for her deadpan or “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” supporting roles in films such as Elf (2003), The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2005), Failure to Launch (2006), Bridge to Terabithia (2007), and The Happening (2008). She then began playing lead roles in films, including Yes Man (2008) and (500) Days of Summer (2009). Zooey Deschanel currently stars in the Fox series New Girl.”
Zooey Deschanel
Yes, Ms. Deschanel, we adore you. And to tribute you and your (half) heritage, we’d love to give you theseEndless Knot Cufflinks
“After turning down several supporting roles, Zooey Deschanel played her first lead role in All the Real Girls (2003). Her performance as Noel, a sexually curious 18-year-old virgin who has a life-changing romance with an aimless 22-year-old, received critical praise, and she received an Independent Spirit nomination for Best Actress. Later in 2003, Zooey Deschanel played a deadpan department store worker opposite Will Ferrell in the comedy Elf, which became a box office hit.”
Zooey Deschanel
Jigsaw Puzzle Piece Cufflinks
Zooey, you’re the perfect puzzle piece our company’s image…Keep at it in New Girl!

Halloween’s Beginning

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

How did Halloween come about? Well, the History Channel says it originated from the Irish.

Sterling Silver Skeleton Spider Cufflinks

Celtic farmers used the word Samhain, which means “The End of Summer” to signify Halloween. They believed there was one day per year that represented both the living and the dead, where spirits could rise from the dead. The Celtics lit great bonfires and dressed up in order to repel the spirits from ruining their feature crops.

In the mid-19th century, after a devastating potato famine, one billion Irish came over to the United States, which brought the traditional holiday known as “All Hallows Eve.”

Map of Ireland Cufflinks

About 40 odd years after Christ, the Romans had primarily conquered Celtic land. Over the next four hundred years the Romans ruled over the Celtic land and certain traditional festivals were combined and inter-woven into both cultures. The first festival was called Feralia, which happened in late October when the Romans traditionally celebrated the passing of the dead. The next festival was to honor a Roman goddess of fruit and trees named Pomona.

(For Scary Stories, try this website called American and have fun re-telling age old spooky tales like “Bloody Mary,” and “Don’t Turn on the Light.” )

Needless to say, when the Celtic traditions came to the “New World,” the concept of Halloween didn’t go over well with the New England Puritans. But slowly it was disseminated into Puritan society and great bonfires were replaced with jack-o-lanterns, spirit dancing/deterring was replaced with dressing up in spooky attire, but no one really knows where/how the candy giving started…

SO the question remains: How did we go from deterring spirits from ruining our crops through rituals to giving candies to little children? We don’t let them in the house, we block them from coming inside, and appease them with bon bons. Creepy. Thought to chew on until next time.