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How To Tell if She’s Into You

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

How To Tell if She’s Into You

When you’re talking, does she have a slightly dreamy look in her eyes? Notice the eyes first and foremost. All women, including men, tend to have a dreamy sparkle in their eyes when they encounter someone they are into. It’s just that simple–their eyes light up when they see the person. This can also happen when two people first meet–hence “love at first sight.”


Does she smile a lot when you two talk? A woman’s natural instinct is to smile more in the presence of a suitor and it says a lot if she seems happier when she’s with you. Laughing is also a good thing too, obviously.

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Does she seem a little fidgety/gulp a little in between words? Women, no matter how confident they may be, tend to gesture and fidget more in the presence of someone they like–basically they get more nervous around someone they are attracted to. This also includes sweating. Oh yes, the dreaded perspiration…but it’s true–when a woman seems little flustered, wet at the hair temple, and swallows in between pauses, chances are she’s either having an anxiety attack or she’s into you.

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Does she initiate meetings or outings? Because of the shifting of the times, it’s not always the men who initiate meetings anymore. If she invites you to parties, out to lunch, coffee, or an after-work cocktail, chances are, it’s not just the caffeine or whiskey she’s craving.

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Does she talk about other men a lot in your presence? Then she’s just not that into you. Women who talk about other men in front of a potential suitor aren’t gaga or head over heels. Unless she’s trying to make you jealous or she’s insecure about herself, chances are, she’s just…not into you.