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Strange (Real) News Around The Globe

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011


New science discoveries show that certain parts of Mars can be habitable…albeit underground.

Three percent of Mars has the right temperature and liquid pressures to sustain life. The Huffington Post reports that it would be similar to living in Antarctica, possible if appropriately dressed.

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FOR RENT OR SALE: Large property, offering huge panoramic vistas, idyllic average temperature of 81 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. Habitable and available immediately. Full Disclosure: It’s actually underground — and it’s on Mars.

Man Arrested For Planking Around Town

“It’s official, even the police have had enough with this planking nonsense.

Planking Man Caught and Arrested

A Wisconsin municipal court convicted 19-year-old Alexander Hart of disorderly conduct on Tuesday after the Manitowoc man used social media to post photographs of himself engaged in the stiff-bodied prank at several locations around town.

The 10 photographs presented as evidence to the court show Hart lying across an ATM machine, boxed merchandise at a Wal-Mart, several lawn mowers, a Walmart checkout counter, a Lowes department store shelf, and a police car.

Man Caught and Arrested For Planking

“Mr. Hart’s laying [sic] on the squad car is disruptive to the peace and good order of the community at large,” said Kathleen McDaniel, assistant city attorney, in a written court brief, the International Business Times reports.”—Report by the Huffington Post


Turkish Baths Banned For Inappropriate Behavior

Tekegraph UK Reports: “The North Yorkshire town’s Turkish Baths have offered single-sex sessions, as well as mixed sessions, since they opened back in 1897. They are one of only seven Victorian baths still in existence.

Turkish Flag, Hand Painted CoinTurkish Flag, Hand Painted Coin

Harrogate Council announced last month that it would be ending the all-male sessions in January, blaming finances. But a councillor has now admitted covering up complaints about the antics of some bathers – saying she didn’t want to ruin the town’s good name.

Cabinet member for culture, Coun Caroline Bayliss said the authority had been forced to act following repeated allegations from members of the public, stretching back several years. We have unfortunately had complaints from other male users of the Turkish Baths.

“These are problems that are very difficult for our staff to deal with over a period of a number of years.”


Cat Inherits Millions of Euros

Italian black cat inherits 10 million euros after the death of his widowed, heiress owner.

He was originally an alley cat saved from the mean streets of Rome and now he’s a millionaire equipped with shares and a property empire which includes flats and houses in Rome and Milan and land in Calabria.

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The Telegraphy UK reports: “Tommaso went from flea-bitten alley cat to “pussy galore” after being rescued by a lonely old lady, named only as Maria Assunta, who was married to a property tycoon but widowed at an early age. The couple had no children.

She became besotted with her pet but as her health began to fail, feared for his future.

So in November 2009 she wrote out a will in which she bequeathed her “entire estate” to the unknowing Tommaso.

“We’re convinced that Stefania is the right person to carry out the old lady’s wishes. She loves animals just like the woman she devoted herself to right up until the end.”

The nurse said she had no inkling that her charge was so rich. “I promised her that I would look after the cat when she was no longer around. She wanted to be sure that Tommaso would be loved and cuddled. But I never imagined that she had this sort of wealth. She was very discreet and quite, I knew very little of her private life. She only told me that she had suffered from loneliness a lot.”

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Tommaso now lives with his new owner and another cat in a house outside Rome. The address is being kept a secret, out of fears that the newly-enriched moggy will be besieged by fortune hunters and con men.” By Nick Squires, Rome

What a slick cat, right??

US Man Published Fake Obituary of Mother to Get Bereavement Pay at Work

“Scott Bennett, a US man, published a fake obituary for his living mother in a ploy to get paid bereavement time off work, police have alleged.

Relatives called The Jeffersonian Democrat newspaper in Pennsylvania after the obituary appeared to say the woman was actually alive and well.

The woman herself then visited the paper.

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Police charged 45-year-old Bennett on Tuesday with disorderly conduct.

Newspaper editor Randy Bartley said he accepted the obituary in good faith after being unable to confirm the funeral arrangements at press time.

He told The Derrick newspaper on Friday that the woman was very understanding.”

Relaxation Tips for a Hectic Monday

Monday, October 24th, 2011



The joy of coffee. The joy of the early morning sunrise. The joy of screaming children on their way to school. The beatific sounds of construction and traffic. The wondrous burnt bagel you received from Fred. The joy of wearing two different colored socks unbeknownst to you. The joy of the slow stagger in your walk….Good morning Monday!

Sometimes the monotony, or even busyness, of each week can become unbearable. Everyone talks about how stress can cause severe physical problems: fatigue, heart trouble, circulatory problems, and even cancer. There are many little things you can do throughout each day to counter the effects of stress and add little drops of goodness to your life.

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Om Symbol Cufflinks

1. Drink tea…slowly. Most of us hastily drink down our coffee or tea throughout the day, not taking our time in our consumption. Try this: brew some hot tea, either at work or home. Make sure your alone for at least ten minutes and if you are not, put on your headphones and tune out the world. The Japanese believe that tea drinking is a spiritual, zen activity, and so it is. While pouring the water in the glass, concentrate on slowing down time, visualizing the water as a cleansing agent, and transport yourself somewhere calm. Take long, deep sips of the tea. Think about the tastes, visualize light in your head and all around you. After ten minutes of this, you will undoubtedly feel much more relaxed and in tune with yourself.

2. Open your jaw for three minutes. That’s right. If you have a headache or tension in your body, believe it or not, we hold most of our tension in our jaws. It’s an extremely powerful muscle, used all throughout the day in talking, eating, chewing, grinding…Give it a break. The best part is, this can be done alone or in public. But you may look a little funny: Sit with your mouth slightly ajar for three minutes straight. Don’t completely lock your jaw in an open position, but let your jaw just hang there, let your tongue drop out a little. After about an entire minute, we promise you’ll feel different! This simple activity is so relaxingly powerful, you’ll thank us 🙂

3. Instead of coming home to action packed TV or movies, try watching an old childhood film or cartoon favorite like superman movies.. It will instantly calm you, remind you of the inherent relaxation in childhood, and bring back warm memories. You may even forget the deadline for tomorrow and the next day and just focus on the colors, memorable songs, lines…etc. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with relishing in our favorite cartoons.

Superman Cufflinks

Superman Cufflinks

4. Once a day, turn off the phone and internet. Literally. After reading this even! Literally shut down your fancy phone so you don’t even see the pulsing lights and close your laptop. Science has recently shown that our brains are literally re-wired through the excess of technology–the constant beeping of phones, trains, computers, emails….sometimes we just need a break. Once a day, everyday, let the world know you will be unreachable for two hours. There is so much freedom in this simple activity, almost like taking a quick mountain hiatus in your daily routine.

5. Go outside and play your favorite sport. Even if it’s just for fifteen minutes. It will get your blood pumping, release “happy” endorphins in the brain, and release pent up stress, anger, and energy. Plus you’ll sleep better and get your metabolism going.

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