Revolutionary Spirit | Cufflinks Blog

Revolutionary Spirit

Revolutionary Letter #1

I have just realized that the stakes are myself
I have no other
ransom money, nothing to break or barter but my life
my spirit measured out, in bits, spread over
the roulette table, I recoup what you can
nothing else to shove under the nose of the maitre de jeu
nothing to thrust out the window, no white flag
this flesh all I have to offer, to make the play with
this immediate head, what it comes up with, my move
as we slither over this go board, stepping always
(we hope) between the lines

-Diane di Prima

(excerpt from City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology, edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

Stephanie Keith/AP Photo Police arrest a protester on New York’s Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011, during a march by Occupy Wall Street. Photo by Stephanie Keith/AP photo



Occupy Wall Street Blog

“The protests have been mostly peaceful. That is, until Saturday, when 700 were arrested after a march on the Brooklyn Bridge spilled over from the pedestrian walkway onto the roadway, blocking traffic for several hours. Most of the demonstrators who were arrested were given a summonses and released.*”

An Occupy Wall Street protester with placard in Zuccotti Park, New York, 2 October 2011. Photograph: Andrew Holbrooke/Corbis




Occupy Wall Street protesters are now backed by powerful labor unions with hundreds of thousands of members and millions of dollars behind them. So much for that “nonsense” march, huh? Undoubtedly the Tea Party is cringing in the attention to the left-wing uprising, but the protest isn’t about segregation, even politically. It’s about uniting white, black, rich, poor…because everyone has financial inequality pressing down on them and we’ve all been “scammed.” “In fact, some tea party members have been down to Liberty Square to lend their support. Both groups are fed up with the status quo. Still, the protesters insist they are not all Democrats nor Republicans,” reports ABC news.



Are people now waking up from the American Dream, only to realize they’ve been lulled into exactly that: a complacent, quiet dream? People won’t be complacent anymore, they are standing up, banding together, and fighting with their presence. Turns out the young liberals have learned a thing or two from Egypt: stick together, use your voice, and protest the inequalities. And what better city in the USA to start such a revolution than New York City?



Following suit is Chicago, Illinois; Joplin, Missouri; Fargo, North Dakota; Allentown, Pennsylvania; and more. The revolutionary spirit is spreading like a wild fire around the country!


*Quote from ABC News

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