Bringing Back the Vintage | Cufflinks Blog

Bringing Back the Vintage



Modern conveniences have done a lot for mankind–but they’ve also taken a lot away from us. Some things are just better…in their original style. There’s something rushed and hurried about our modern appliances and we rarely have time to simply stop and enjoy the process of an activity. This post is an ode to the past, a nod at nostalgia, in hopes that you reincorporate these little treasures into everyday (or monthly) life.

Victorian Gold Button Cufflinks

Victorian Gold Button Cufflinks

Record Players: the soothing scratches, the jukebox feel, the tiny needle strumming along…music is just there. As opposed to it electronically radiating from a computer speaker, where it was downloaded illegally on some canceled website. Plus records are super cheap now, around .25 cents if you’re lucky. So go visit your neighborhood record store, if it hasn’t been shut down yet.

Old 45 Record Cufflinks


Herb Crushers: Remember seeing your grandmother crush herbs by hand? Suddenly, and slowly, the kitchen would start to smell of a fresh garden…the churning action at the table, the wooden bowl, the scraping of the crusher. Memories.



Candles vs. light bulbs: the eternal glow of the candle, reading at night, wafting natural light from the other room. Plus mix the scent action and you have one amazing antique invention.

Sponge baths: Sure the invention of the modern shower is great, but the activity of cleaning oneself has been reduced to hurried, frantic motions, instead of the alternative: boiling water on an open stove, mixing it with room temperature water in a big bowl, and bathing yourself “naturally.” Try it not just when the electricity or hot water goes out, but on a random Tuesday. You feel ultra-cleansed afterwards and super relaxed.


Old Fashioned Soda Pops: the shape of the old glass bottle, the candy/general store feel, the cracking open of a metal cap, the real sugar vs corn syrup. Our standards of soda products have decreased over the past twenty years and it’s no surprise that one gets a real treat in an old fashioned Coke or Cream Soda. The bottles can be used as decorations afterwards around the house, by putting fake or real flowers inside.

Woodie Wagon Stamp Cufflinks

Woodie Wagon Stamp Cufflinks

Pen and Paper: good old fashioned parchment and ink. Ah! Before the type writer, printing press, and obviously computers, people…wait for it…wrote by hand. Normally by candle light at that. Poets would say the Great Muse actually travels from the top of the head, down the arm, and through the hand. Not enough has been said about the laborious joy of free writing and the surprising creativity that can come from it. Plus it won’t hurt if you work on your handwriting a little..

Printing Press Stamp Cufflinks

Printing Press Stamp Cufflinks


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