A Little This, Little That: 6 Ways to Stay Looking Good

A Little This, Little That: 6 Ways to Stay Looking Good

What are six ways to stay looking fresh and maximize your personal appearance? We’ve taken some tips from Askmen.com and put them all together in a grand stew, churned them out, and here we have some top tips for you to mull over:

And we’re not talking Jersey Shore here men. Just something light and simple, so your blue veins aren’t showing underneath your translucent skin. Try Jergen’s Tinted Moisturizing Lotion that will give you a natural looking tan in about three days. Apply it all over the body after the shower, just lie you would any other lotion, but make sure to thoroughly wash your hands afterwards…if you don’t, you’ll have little orange stains in the crevices of knuckles, in between fingers, etc.

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If you have a big nose, part your hair to one side. Of course this only works if you have long-ish hair or enough to at least part. But parting it to one side minimizes the ultra-symmetrical look that highlights your rather large nose and doesn’t put it in the spot light so readily.


Grow a beard. It makes a small chin and facial structure look more masculine. (And use facial hair to define a round face)

Wear colors that complement your eyes (i.e. if you have blue eyes, go for light blue shirts. Green…green sweaters, accessories.)

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Chew Whitening Gum after meals. Yes, you heard right. Chewing whitening gum can release/get rid of some of that plaque or grim around teeth after meals. Just make sure it’s sugar-free, because it kind of defeats the purpose if it’s not. And it will add some whitening shine to your 60 watt smile.

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Change your razor blades regularly. All that bacteria builds up between the blades and goes right back on your skin in the next use. Shaving also reduces a minimal top layer of skin, so by adding extra bacteria to that new skin, you’re just asking for trouble. Buy extra packs of blades and switch out every week (or four to eight shaves).

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